I've discovered that it has been 10 days since I last posted.
I've discovered that opening my reader after not opening my reader for two weeks is.not.a.good.thing.
I've discovered that the longer I let it go, the more stressed I became for not posting or reading.
I've discovered that getting stressed about blogging is just sick sick sick.
I've discovered that it is alot harder to admit that I'm, ya know, 45.
But, he will be 46 next week. Love ya, sweetie! I've discovered that my brother-in-law who reads daily during lunch doesn't understand why I can't post daily.
I've discovered that he reads a couple of your blogs as well and doesn't understand why you all can't post daily either.
I've discovered that I like going to bed at 10:30 and waking up fresh and rested for the day.
I've discovered that I have a really long to-do list.
I've discovered that I am so sick of this election and the candidates and the mudslinging and the voters thinking THEIR candidate is the one to put us on the right track. Because folks, the only one that can put us on the right track is the one that is on his knees daily seeking guidance from the creator of this world. And near as I can tell.....well, I'm just not gonna go there.....
I've discovered that I am not a Sarah Palin fan. Or is it Tina Fey? I'm still confused. She is nice and smart and pretty. But at the end of the day, she has a child with down's syndrome that needs her so much more than we do. I have seen what my friends with DS babies go through. You can't turn that over to the White House nanny. Oh there isn't one? You know it's coming. I've discovered that having a 6 bin sorting system for laundry in my closet has revolutionized my life.
I've discovered that if you just take one of these baskets down every day of the week, that you can in fact keep up with your laundry.
I've discovered that I'm nuts. But you already knew that.
I've discovered that my husband gave me the okay to buy new carpet for the house 6 months ago, and I'm still twiddling my thumbs.
I've discovered that Christmas is two months away, and I'm still stuck in August.
I've discovered that I really don't like cold weather. I've discovered that an 82 year old college head football coach can still get it done and just might be in the middle of an extraordinary season that could finish-out with a story book ending to an exemplary coaching career done the right way with integrity and honor.
I've discovered that my dad still can and enjoys pushing my buttons. Did I mention my Dad looks exactly like Joe Paterno...mannerisms and all.
I've discovered that my daughter and are too much alike, and I need to keep my eyes wide open to that knowledge as a preemptive strike for the teen years and the inevitable clashes.
I've discovered that these little glasses make it a whole lot easier to read.
I've discovered you can buy them in the dollar spot at Target. So I bought three pair...red, tortoise with rhinestones, and these giraffey looking ones.
I've discovered that I HATE every recipe and meal I've cooked for the last three years, because those are the only recipes and meals I have cooked for the last three years.
I've discovered that I am really sick of turkey and/or tuna sandwiches for lunch. I've discovered this Webkin in very odd spots around the house after my son leaves for school. He is the only dog we will ever have. He isn't alive, but he annoys me as much as real dogs. And please don't tell me how nice YOUR dog is. They all lick, sniff and stink. End of story.
I've discovered that a whole lot of people land on my blog using the key words "boobie milk" because of this post .
I've discovered that there is a lot more time to blog during the summer.
I've discovered that life is really busy right now.
I've discovered that I can't post daily because it still takes me too long to post.
I've discovered that I have been sitting here working on this for over two hours.
I've discovered I need to go potty.
Right now.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
I've discovered......
Brought to you by Debbie at 2:10 PM
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well. you're still SO funny! and i will always love reading your posts - even if you don't post every day :-)
You may not get the chance to blog often, but when you churn a post out, it's pure gold.
I especially love what you said about this election and the only one who can put us on the right track!
My sentiments exactly...every last one of them!
I need to try your laundry-sorting system, then maybe I could find the floor in my laundry room...nah....
And it cracks me up that you have a special basket just for Under Armour....I could totally do the same thing!!
I loved your post!! I'm so sorry that you are so busy! It totally kills me that you have a basket for Under Armour only... do you have to wash it a certain way?? Oh, and by the way - you are smokin' in that picture!! And, I love that your BIL reads your blog!! Thank gosh for my reader, otherwise I'd check on you every day, too. I'm just lazy like that!
I totally know what you mean about stressing about blogging. I came back on my reader last week, and it told me that I had 1000+ posts waiting. How much is + (now I sound like that commercial!)? I've gotten it back under control, but the most important thing is not to STRESS about something that is a HOBBY.
Oh, and I totally like your laundry organizational system. I used to have to bags for laundry for that very reason (yes, I only sort my laundry two ways).
Welcome back! I understand you've been busy! I have a little blog love on my blog for you. I meant to stop by earlier, but I was busy too. So it worked out! ;) Loved this post.
I could have a special bin just for pink.
I assume when you're talking about the one Cadidate... you mean me... right???
I discovered I need to go to the bathroom too...
I've discovered how much I love reading your blog, WHENEVER you choose to do it.
I've discovered that you inspire me with you honesty.
I've discovered a person who I feel could totally be friends with in real life but here in bloggy land is just fine.
I've discovered that the only pressure you have is the pressure you put on yourself, LET IT GO.
I've discovered that I too need to pee, RIGHT NOW.
Yea for the granny glasses!
You're so cute--I love the pictures. And I'm in the no dogs club right there with ya. Of course my kids know that they absolutely can have a dog. And we will have that conversation when they have been picking up after themselves and cleaning their rooms without being told. For two years. Straight.
I've discovered that I NEED your laundry sorting system.
I've also discovered that I have no room in my closet. So it's gotta go either in the entryway or the kids' bathroom...
I've discovered ... your blog! And I enjoy it! Thanks!
Ooh, I like Tracy P.'s wisdom in the comment above. I have discovered that in the last busy week I didn't fall behind in your blog. And that you have a really spacious closet.
I've discovered a lot of important stuff this year, too. I've discovered that if I don't take my meds when it's dark out for months then my mind goes all kinds of places I don't want it to go- but mostly that is away from the Lord. I've discovered that I can still like you even though you don't like Tina Fey- or was that Sarah Palin- and we don't have to agree.
I've discovered that we have similar laundry sorting prowess, but I do mine all on one day.
I've discovered that it is time to pick my son up from school, but first I gotta PEE!
Lots of discovery going on over there while not posting.
So... can I have your unused carpet allowance? I won't twiddle my thumbs on it!
You don't know how many times I've wanted to leave you a comment on your last post saying "come back Debbie!..." but knowing that you are so busy and stressed already--I figured I'd just let you be :)! I get my dose of Debbie through BATW--but I still love to read what you're thinking here too.
Glad you're back. Now you have to come read my last 10 posts and comment on every single one---hahahahahaha! :)
Hang in there old lady ;-)!
Finally...I've been waiting patiently for a new post! :)
The Brother-in-law,
Well, I was going to type a really good comment starting with "I've discovered" then I saw Barry's comment above mine and I laughed so hard I forgot what I was going to type! Good to have you back!
Love Barry's post....I always find it amusing to discover who has been reading my blog...funny!! Yea Barry!!!! What a cool BIL!!!!
Anyway...have to say...I LOVE your laundry system...very cool.
Also, it's okay to lighten up a little on the blogging....you don't have to read every blog or write every day....give yourself permission to just breathe!!!
Even BATW....you could cut it back to 3 or 4 days per week...we'd still love you. :)
I was JUST thinking about you today! Don't worry, it was all good! : )
Hey, don't stress over the blog thing. I've realized that even though I dearly LOVE my bloggy friends, I need to love my family more, and if I miss a week of posting, so be it. And just try not to hyperventilate (did I spell that right?) when you don't get to your reader for a few days. Life will go on. At least that's what I tell myself as I try. not. to. read. every. one.
We still love you, and even if you didn't post but once in blue moon, we'd still love you. Even if you don't want to hear about my dogs. (but you're right...they lick, and siff, and stink...but they have the sweetest faces...)
Holy cow are you full of discoveries! Ok, who's he reading :-)
Great post. Just recently found BATW and found your blog today. The internet and all it's wonderful sites can be overhelming and stressful at times. I burned my self out with the internet about a month ago trying to keep up with different boards, email, and blogs.
Please don't stress out from internet. Don't worry, be happy!
In hope after you posted this you discovered a clean bathroom with the toilet seat down and a toilet paper roll that actually has toilet paper on it.
oooooh! Looking for good laundry tips! Might have to try this one...
And what I discovered?
I discovered you're an angel. See your wings behind your head in the photo?
You're a blogging angel.
Hi Deb
OH, so happy to have a peek again of what's going on in that mind of yours! :)
I love those discoveries! So many of them crack me up, even if they weren't intended to! Good luck with it all :) Especially the carpet....
I think I'm loving your laundry sorting system. Did you get that idea from when you asked how people do their laundry way back when? That's when I first started commenting on your blog and I loved learning how everyone did things. But here's a little fact that may appall you. I didn't know there were cold darks and hot darks! Eeeeek...mine all get the warm treatment. Is that bad?
Thanks for coming by today! You have discovered alot today! Well I post everyday -- I don't have a dog anymore -- I to have a long to do list for tomorrow and the weekend -- I try and wash clothes everyday to keep up with it, but it never seems to happen.
Thanks for sharing
I discovered a long time ago that you are wonderful. And I love you.
And you know I'm not gonna let this moment pass by--I SEE WHAT BOOK YOU HAVE THOSE HOT GLASSES SITTING ON. Yes, I do. And it makes me happy.
As do you.
I missed you.
p.s. Regardless of what happens on Tuesday, Love is waiting in the wings. Always.
You know you're a mom when you say "potty".
YOU ROCK! That is what I've discovered.
Glad you are still blogging!
Am I one of BIL Barry's daily reads??
Huh, is it me he likes??
Love ya, missed ya, wish we could meet up and have a Giant Route 44 together. Someday sister!!
A post well worth the wait :) I'm still fascinated by the laundry sorting system. Do the people in your house actually use those baskets as directed?
OK...I will de-Lurk
Trish - how could I not read your blog?? Anybody that has picture with goggles has to be interesting!
I also like Friday Fotos, I am waiting to hear about a 3 year old Einstein Birthday Party and "2023"!
Let me tell you a little secret about Debbie...she is as wonderful in person as she is on her blog!
The Brother-in-Law
It was good to hear from you! Keep discovering things to share with us. :)
This is ALL really funny, I wish I blogged sometimes but I'm still scared of getting sucked in more then I already do!
I can also second what Barry said, I'm a RLF of Debbie's and she is INDEED exactly like you would think she is on this blog. She is one of those rare people who can honest and tactful, she is enthusiastic for you and for you what excites you!
BTW, she's been doing some sort of the laundry system for awhile 'cuz I got it from her and I've been doing it for more then a year. But I only have 5 baskets... what dark clothes need to go in HOT!?!?! The only thing I do in Hot is the whites, sheets and towels. Everything else is in cold. I wish I could find it but I read on some cleaning guru site (the Queen of clean maybe?) that cold is good for most regular cleaning.
Anyway, my kids (4 who share rooms, 2 G, 2 B) have a basket in there rooms, when it gets full they bring it to the sorting baskets in my sitting room (of my BR) and they sort accordingly. When the baskets in my room are full I do a load or two or five. I've tried the "do it all in one day" approach and it doesn't work for me.
Done hijacking your blog now Debbie. Love ya,
I think you are worth the wait. You are funny and I really agree with almost every one of those. I have been buried this week too (and last week) and have you are the first I am getting back to in days. It's tough to keep up. I cheated and did two slide shows this week. It's my peace offering to family and friends out of state that I haven't called.
And I am with Elaine, what is in the hot dark bin? The only darks I do hot are towels (the few dark towels I have) so they won't smell.
You are so funny. I actually have 6 baskets in my laundry room. Whites, pants/shorts, shirts, towels/bedding, socks/unders, & jeans. And it works great, I only do laundry M-F. One or two loads per day, it is better than 10 on one day. Hope you have a good weekend, and try not to stress so much about bloggerland we'll be here when you return, I am learning that too. I've got lots to discover this weekend too.
HUGS, Amy ;)
the goggles made me famous?!?
I missed you too! I totally understand the hiatus. Its been really hard for me to come up with posts and have the time to write them. I feel sometimes that I just don't want to spend an hour or two in front of the computer. I completely understand!
Very good. Very true. I really need to cut back on my addiction. I don't really enjoy blogging like I used to. Nowadays I just want to crawl in bed and read an actual BOOK.
Hey bil - How come you don't write something every day? Where's his blog?? I bet if he surfs us all, cumulatively we post many times a day. ;)
I love when you post... whenever you post.
Take as long as you need to get those posts out. They're worth waiting for. And the reading glasses? I'm there, too.
All very important discoveries. Now I'm off to see if the Target glasses make it easier for me to read too.
I've discovered that you have A LOT of closet space!
I'm going to go there. People can criticize me for not voting, but I find it hard to choose one candidate that fits all of my values just as I believe that there isn't one religion that fits all people. I believe that things happen for reasons and always work out for the best according to God's plans. I think what's important is the way you choose to live your life and how your religion guides you in making the right decisions. Yes, voting is a legal right and people can say that I'll be sorry that I didn't vote when the wrong person gets elected, but what if I had voted for that person? Abortion may be a legal right, but that doesn't give me the right to decide who lives or dies. By the way, the Catholic church can tell me to vote prolife, but we've had a Republican president for how long and abortion is still legal? I'm sick of politics!
Yeah you are back and I have discovered that I missed you. But I have also discovered that most of the blogs that I love know how to have healthy balance. I am glad that I have discovered that in my own blogging life as well and I agreee that there is more time to blog when it is not cold. And I have discovered that I need to pee too, right now!
I discovered that I am really ticked that I didn't comment early because all the sweet/funny things that I have discovered were already discovered by your other commentors.
I also discovered extreme sinful jealousy that Jennifer is your friend in real life and that she has seen your laundry basket IRL and I have discovered that SO MANY people all love you anyhow, and that we should learn from you because we are all probably spending too much time blogging when we should be doing other things...like laundry and finding our more about our brother in laws. :)
You just keep discovering, and don't allow yourself to get sick sick sick about blogging! :)
Hi Debbie! Just thought I'd stop in and let you know I was reading here...due to lack of time I've had to put BATW reading/commenting on the back burner for a while, but I enjoy reading what you have to say whenever you can post :).
Debbie you are so cute and so right! Itn't that icky about the "boobie-milk?" I can just imagine it aint all women who are looking that up nor babies. Eeew. Oh well, they get what they deserve. If they are looking for something nasty, they did not find it. They found pure common sense, descent discussion and humor.
Happy Tuesday. Kathi
I don't mind just reading and re-reading this post :)!
Thank you SOOOO much for the slew of comments I got from you last night! That was FUN!
Debbie...Don't worry, be happy! Have hope!! The Sun Will Come Up Tomorrow!!! Put some Pep in Your Step!!!! Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera...
I've discovered that I haven't had a good nite's sleep in a couple of days. Too much Election Anxiety. All I can say is, this is what we get for living Too Close to DC!
I'm discovering that my bladder ain't what it use to be either. So quit blogging and go.
I love the dog hanging on the dishwasher. I can totally relate to that one here at our house. I've also discovered that I hate Webkinz.
Love reading about your discoveries whenever you can post. I so understand. :)
I have discovered your blog and I am happy about it! Great post, thanks for the inspiration to not feel I must post daily, or weekly for that matter!
Oh how I have missed you.
Did you discover guilt over not posting daily- isnt that sillier than stress!
anyhow glad your posting no matter how often it is and i will keep checking back, just not daily!
Go live your life!
I also find it impressive that your bin reads your blog daily!
I've decided that you are right about just about every one of those things on your list (but I happen to like dogs!) I haven't blogged around the world in almost a month, (pouty lip) and now I feel so overwhelmed to even check them. Life is crazy around here too and I'm not "running" two blogs! I don't know how you can do it AND keep up with your Lions! (My brother-in-law is in a state of euphoria right now too...he graduated from there!) Anyway, life is crazy. As much as I love blogging...I just can't do it as much...I feel like I am cheating my family out of time. Soooo, I have a really loser blog right now and I've not been spreadin' the comment love but I've spent a lot more time playin with my boys and watching my Sooners!! I say, just do what you can do girl...everybody loves ya! (GO LIONS!)
BTW...I've got a Bit o' Bling-Bling for you over at my place this morning. I'll leave a comment at BATW for ya, too. You are Uber Amazing!
Your haphazard posting keeps me interested .. and always wanting more ;o)
Dude, six different baskets for laundry? I've got two .. like, clean and dirty. I have a lot to learn apparently...
I bounced around from Darcy's LWM3B to BATW to here, what a journey, but I just had to say in regards to dogs you hit the nail on the head!
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