Ok...I know you all are as sick of looking at my right eye as I am, so I thought I would put up a quick post of something I've seen floating around the blogosphere. I took this 4 question test which supposedly determines what type of blogger I am. I'll let you decide if it is accurate or not because apparently I am:
Your Blogging Type Is Thoughtful and Considerate |
![]() You're a well liked, though underrated, blogger. You have a heart of gold and are likely to blog for a cause. You're a peaceful blogger - no drama for you! A good listener and friend, you tend to leave thoughtful comments for others. |
Okay, let's report in everyone. What type of blogger are you according to this very scientific test?
Mine is Artistic & Passionate...
You see your blog as the ultimate personal expression - and work hard to make it great.
One moment you may be working on a new dramatic design for your blog...
And the next, you're passionately writing about your pet causes.
Your blog is very important - and you're careful about who you share it with.
Mine is "Private Performer"...my blog is my stage and I can be a show-off when I want , or turn it off and be anonymous anytime,
Dang- and I thought I was all Tina Turner...oh, wait , that's Private Dancer. Then I'm Elton John....uh, er , no - that's Tiny Dancer.
Oh well.
I am:
Kind & Harmonious
You're an approachable blogger who tends to have many online friends.
People new to your blogging circle know they can count on you for support.
You tend to mediate fighting and drama. You set a cooperative tone.
You have a great eye for design - and your blog tends to be the best looking on the block!
Mine is the same as Lizzy's...Artistic and Passionate.
"You see your blog as the ultimate personal expression - and work hard to make it great.
One moment you may be working on a new dramatic design for your blog...
And the next, you're passionately writing about your pet causes.
Your blog is very important - and you're careful about who you share it with."
At first I didn't see that it was quite accurate, but the more I think about it, yeah, that pretty much sums me up! : )
I didn't like mine. It called me logical??? Me, logical? Silly test ;-)
I agree with yours though.
Hmmm...I got the logical one too....but after reading it...it is me....so, I'm Logical and Principled.
You like to voice your well thought out opinions on your blog.
And if someone doesn't what you write, you really don't care!
Serious and blunt, sometimes people take your blog the wrong way.
But you're a true and loyal friend to those who truly get you.
Although,I do care what people think which is why I don't always say what I think......
Mine's Artistic & Passionate. (See Hot Tub Lizzy's comment for description)
Though I'm obviously not "careful about who I share it with" if people can find my blog by typing "naked bob ross" into their search engine. ;)
Here's mine...
Your Blogging Type is Pensive and Philosophical
You blog like no one else is reading...
You tend to use your blog to explore ideas - often in long winded prose.
Easy going and flexible, you tend to befriend other bloggers easily.
But if they disagree with once too much, you'll pull them from your blogroll!
Why do I have to be long winded? Although I could see that cause I usually think out loud...and I would not remove someone from my blogroll if they disagreed with me. Oh well. Thanks! I love quizzes anyway :)
Yikes! I don't like my result. I got the logical one. "Some people might take your blog the wrong way." What wrong way? I thought I was nice. And for the record, I thought your eye was gorgeous!
I am "artistic and passionate". Yup. They hit that one right on the head....and in only four questions :)!
Kind & Harmonious
You're an approachable blogger who tends to have many online friends.
People new to your blogging circle know they can count on you for support.
You tend to mediate fighting and drama. You set a cooperative tone.
You have a great eye for design - and your blog tends to be the best looking on the block!
But it is by far NOT the best looking....ah one day maybe.
Ok so to my suprise this is what I got.
Your unique and Avant)Garde.
You're a bit ... unusual. And so is your blog.
Hmmmm who knew?
Same as Lizzy's...and Julie's...and everyone else who got "Artistic and Passionate." Passionate, yes...but artistic? Never. I have zero creativity. Sigh...
And yes, your blog personality suits you to a "T." But I could list way more than merely 4 attributes when it comes to my Debbie!
Hmmm...mine is entertaining and happy. This is a rather scientific approach :-) And I like yours. Rather on the money.
I too am thoughtful and considerate. Hmm....
I'm...a bit *unusual*....I'm going to see that as a the glass half full!
Yours is right on target!
I'm artistic and passionate. The only part I disagreed with is the part that says I'm careful who I share my blog with. Bwhahahahaha!! I pimp it out every chance I get.
Mine is -
Your Blogging Type is Logical and Principled
You like to voice your well thought out opinions on your blog.
And if someone doesn't what you write, you really don't care!
Serious and blunt, sometimes people take your blog the wrong way.
But you're a true and loyal friend to those who truly get you.
I would agree :)
Artistic and Passionate. I would go for sarcastic and weird, but whaeve...
Same as you...thoughtful and considerate.
I am confident and insightful.
Artistic and Passionate.
Artistic and Passionate. . .What I want to know is how they get so many different categories for four vague questions!
And I agree with your blogging type. I love your comments.
Mine is Artistic and Passionate...which I find hard to believe.
Yours is spot on though :D
According to the test I'm "Artistic and Passionate". Yeah, that's me.
- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife
"I am social and responsible..
I enjoy blogging and do all I can to help the blogging community. From helping friends set up blogs to getting rid of spam, I take a leadership role. A super blogger,I tend to blog regularly. says I would hate to disappoint my audience. And always appropriate, ther's no way I would blog something too personal."
So says the quiz I took..is it right..somewhat, but somewhat not..:)
Sorry but that was a pathetic quiz! I got the same results as you did. For starters, YOU are NOT underrated, and which question would have given them any idea whether you might be??? Secondly, no drama for ME?!?!?! HA! Like I said...PATHETIC!
Happy belated birthday, friend! I'm sorry I missed it, but that's actually pretty typical of me!
My result was pretty accurate as you know from my previous postings and baby's blog where I don't have the comments option enabled! :)
Your Blogging Type is Confident and Insightful
You've got a ton of brain power, and you leverage it into brilliant blog. Both creative and logical, you come up with amazing ideas and insights. A total perfectionist, you find yourself revising and rewriting posts a lot of the time.
You blog for yourself - and you don't care how popular (or unpopular) your blog is!
After spending the afternoon doing online surveys for pay, that was the quickest survey I've taken!
I am kind and harmonious, which probably sums it up pretty well, but how they got that out of four little questions, I'll never know!
Yes - this is so scientific!
I'm Artistic and Passionate
- my ultimate personal expression - Iwork hard to make it great - working on a new designs for my blog - passionately writing about my pet causes -
Yes - my blog is very important to me - but NO - I am not careful about who I share it with.
Everybody come check out my blog!!! Ha!
Insightful. Except I don't rewrite my posts even thout I do have perfectionistic tendencies.
Take that test again.
Confident and Insightful - HUH???? I wanted witty and something else.... I guess in 4 questions they were bound to get that one wrong.
Kind & Harmonious...so not me. Kind, maybe. Harmonious? No. As I told Lula in the comments of her post today, I'm all for some controversy. I like for people to like me, but I'm not going to silence my voice. I think I would have done better to receive the Passionate and Artistic label!
Yet another Artistic and Passionate!
We're twins. I'm thoughtful and considerate too.
Darnit, I keep taking this test and then forgetting what I am...
Oh, wait, now I remember, ARTISTIC and PASSIONATE. Sounds good to me!
I added you to my blog roll. I stumbled across your blog today and spent more than an hour poking around reading your posts, so I figured I ought to make a commitment. It's always so disconcerting to pop onto someone's blog and find your blog on their list. You've got some fun stuff on here!
Hey Sis..
Please Come over I have 2 awards for *U*.
Hugz Lorie
I got the same as you.......
Mine was artistic and passionate...
Just wanted to wish you a happy belated birthday, Debbie- I've been sucked into the post surgery world and have just come up for air. Sorry I missed it...Of course 45 isn't all that bad. Hey, at least you still have young kids that keeps you young. Mine are getting married and threatening "grandmother-hood" to me. Hope it was a good one.
Mine is Confident and Insightful.
You've got a ton of brain power, and you leverage it into brilliant blog.
Both creative and logical, you come up with amazing ideas and insights.
A total perfectionist, you find yourself revising and rewriting posts a lot of the time.
You blog for yourself - and you don't care how popular (or unpopular) your blog is!
I think that's mostly true, but I do care what people think about it!
Apparently - I'm a "kind and harmonious blogger" . . .
Ok, I admit, I didn't take it, but you ARE thoughtful and considerate, yes...you are. And I want to hang out...IRL. :) BUT...hmm.....no drama for you? I can think of a few drama moments here...hee hee.
I think this MUST be scientific! You ARE all those things! I just finished the "exam" myself. It says I am artisitc and passionate. Yeah - maybe a little, tee hee! Thanks again for letting be the FB for today! I am having a blast rolling in the comment love!!!
Logical and principled. I think that´s right on!
Thank you again for the great day you gave me, Debbie! I got 80 comments! Never ever have I had so many comments. It was so great!
Loved it!
great blog some how i found you when i was looking for stuff on our son and his birth defect on esophageal atresia such a great blog site you have i wish you all the best.
I took the quiz and then before I saw the answer, I saw this phrase, "You know you're hot." I really thought that was the kind of blogger I was. HAPPINESS!! Then I realized it was an ad and I had to scroll down to learn that I am only passionate and creative.
I did this a while back... I'm creative and a perfectionist. It is true... I go back and change things over and over on each post. It's nuts!! ~Jill :)
not knowing you personally but only through blog posts, your "personality" seems consistent with how I see your blog.
My test results say that my blog is confident & insightful. I'm not so sure about the test's accuracy now though.
My blogging type is spontaneous and shocking. Now, I would never question this very, very scientific, factual, UNQUESTIONABLE survey, but if I would, I would say this is about as far from my personality as...well, I can't think of a shocking metaphor right now.
I'm artistic and passionate. Hmmmm...
I was hoping to be funny!
Logical and principled. Wow, I am learning things each day. :) Maybe I am changing in my young age. ;)
Hey are you still there?? I miss you!!
Come back soon
Thanks again for allowing me to take everyone on a tour of Egypt! :)
I like this line from my test results: A total perfectionist, you find yourself revising and rewriting posts a lot of the time.
*innocent* I totally don't know what they're talking about. *sheepish*
My blog type is Kind and Harmonious.
You're an approachable blogger who tends to have many online friends.
People new to your blogging circle know they can count on you for support.
You tend to mediate fighting and drama. You set a cooperative tone.
You have a great eye for design - and your blog tends to be the best looking on the block!
Well, I think that sounds a lot like me actually. Except I don't think I have the best looking blog on the block, but I try to hold my own.
Thanks for the quiz.
Hugs, Amy ;)
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