Saturday, September 13, 2008

She's alive!

This is Debbie, and I approve this message.

This is Debbie's family. She's not dead. She's not sick. She's alive. And well. She's just been busy being a Mom and doing some big project for the school PTO that took alot of time, not to mention room on our dining room table, paper, staples, envelopes, stickies, and whatnot. We don't know exactly why she has abandoned you all this week. We thought it was weird that she didn't slip behind her laptop even once this week when everyone was asleep. It was also kind of strange that she went to bed before eleven everynight which doesn't happen when she is up doing her "clickety click reading." Everyone thinks she is bogged down and spending hours on BATW. She's not. She's barely been on the computer all week. BATW only takes half an hour every evening to post for the next day. She links new bloggers on weekends. She lines up guest bloggers on Wednesdays. It has become manageable. So why the absence? She's not sure. She was about to pull the plug on all of it. But "The Man" talked her out of it. She likes it too much and besides she talks about you all like you are her "real" friends. Kind of weird when you haven't ever heard each other's voices. Well, except for Darcy. They've talked on the phone.

So will Debbie be back this week?


She's not going anywhere.

And she owes you all BIG TIME.

With what, we don't know.

And like she said, she wrote approved this message.

post signature


Vicki said...

I for one was worried and was ready to send in a missing person's report. "See" you soon!

Lauren W said...

Don't you worry about a thing. You just take your time and eat some chocolate :)

EEEEMommy said...

Life happens and sometimes there's no time or energy to blog about it. You don't owe us anything!
Enjoy your weekend! :)

Heathahlee said...

I agree with Lauren! But we do miss your stories of people eating earwax and Hunka Hunka stories and guest posts by LRRH. Come back to us when you can.

Unknown said...

I was getting worried and was glad to get that email !!!

Glad to see you back ... you have been missed!!!

Carolina Mama said...

Glad you are well! Just a busy Mom

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Good for you for unplugging. I don't have that will power. Not at all.

Connie said...

Debbie...I check every day, but when I saw you hadn't posted, I thought, "gee, Debbie must have had a crazy week with the kids getting back to school and she needed to unplug". And you know what? I think we are both in a funk. (must be our age?)The shorter days of sunshine seem to bog me down. Whatever the reason, we all understand and have been there before. You do NOT owe us big time. You owe it to yourself and your family to discover your top priorities and do what's best for you.

Tracy P. said...


Kimberly said... take that time! I know the PTO will greatly appreciate your project. :) I also know that blogging gets in the blood. No matter how hard you try to quit it, you just can't get rid of it! :) Glad you'll be back!

Brian and Staci said...

I don't know how you do it all girl! I think you are doing awesome! We will always be here...after breaks, PTO meetings, soccer games...that's just one of the reasons why I love bloggin so much! No REAL commitments! Are people REALLY gonna get mad if you don't have a new post up..or if you are late at posting something for BATW...nope...well, at least they shouldn't...and if they do, well, then, maybe they aren't the bloggin' buddy you thought they were :) You are awesome!

Trish said...

Hey, would you give her a message from me please?

Tell her I miss her. I totally understand being swamped by the PTA and just not blogging.

Tell her I consider her a friend too......even though we've never met.

Oh yeah, tell her I had fun posting on BATW and if she ever needs any help with that to just let me know.

Oh and one last thing, tell "THE MAN" thanks for not letting her quit. I'm not sure what my life would be without her.

I Love Purple More Than You said...

I got you in a reader, so no worries... post whenever you are ready and I'll be notified.

But for goodness sake... DON'T pull the plug!!!

Leslie said...

Don't you worry, we are here! Stalking in the wings......
btw.... there was only one of me! Using my maiden name that is. Pretty cool! While you are enjoying some fam time, I'm going back to drinking my Chilean wine. It seems so much more appealing when I can get it for $2 dollars a bottle. ;)

Anonymous said...

From one busy, busy mom to another...take all the time you need!

"The Queen in Residence" said...

I too talk about all my bloggy friends as if I have known them for forever.
Sounds like a nice vacation is in order.

Anonymous said...

Thank goodness for 'The Man' for talking you out of it! Give him a hip hip hooray!

This Mom said...

I am glad she has decided to come back soon. I miss her I mean you. I miss your wit and humor. I like BATW but I just miss Debbie.

Glad that you are doing well.

Michelle said...

Too funny. But hey, good for you for taking your priorities appropriately. AND for getting sleep. Major kudos on that one ... as I'm typing at 11:34 and getting up at 6. Dummie, go to bed! (that would be me)

Missy said...

To blog or to sleep? Ah, that is the question that plagues me daily!
Even if I only hear from you once a month, you'd still be one little bright spot! I'll be happy to see you whenever you rush.

Gramma 2 Many said...

Don't go!! Don't leave us! Who would referee for Gina, Tricia and me? We need you:} Oh yeah, actually we really like you and love you and cannot get through the day without our Deb fix.
It is ok to take a little time off to take a breath and regroup. To spend time with family, we do understand. You will be met with open arms when you find yourself back here with us. Can hardly wait.

Gina said...

Oh, Man! I was seriously jonesing! Don't do that again! :)

Rhea said...

I love Darcy. She's my fairy blogmother too.

oº˚ Homeschool Mom˚ºo said...

Glad to hear you got some rest! I know everything can be stressful at times. Glad to hear you are coming back we missed you. Much Love

Jennifer P. said...

We're all just Stepford Wives and want to keep you near us---conforming :)!

You were sure missed, but we all understand (I speak for the group here!). Glad you're back now!!! :)

Joyfulsister said...

I was getting ready to send Dog the bounty hunter up your way.. he lives pretty close by lol. Well that's when he and Beth are not in colorado chasing people up there.

Hugz Lorie

Lula! said...


I thought you'd bought a week's supply of that Mommy wine, and was just taking a little vineyard tour. In your home. And deservedly so.

Missed you.

Sarah Mae said...

Hi Debbie! You know I can relate, but I think I'm finally ready to get back in the swing of things - heck, I still need to finish my 31 days to clean! I think I'm on day 30...

Sarah Mae said...

Hi Debbie! You know I can relate, but I think I'm finally ready to get back in the swing of things - heck, I still need to finish my 31 days to clean! I think I'm on day 30...

T-Luh said...

Okay, first off, I am LOL at the "This is Debbie, and I approve this message." Your wit (and the appropriate usage of it) always get me! Love it! :)

Second, my thanks to "The Man" for encouraging you to continue...that's awesome; he's awesome!

Third, I am spoiled in that I'm your neighbor and get to enjoy you IRL as well as in the blogosphere. It was Terrific seeing you today...hope we run in to you guys more!

Kathi Roach said...

Hey girl....just checking in. I know...I've been a slacker too lately. I still love ya though.