Monday, September 29, 2008

And the Winner is.....

Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers:

Timestamp: 2008-09-29 18:02:04 UTC

On thank goodness it was a low number. That means I didn't have to count very far down the comment list. Counting and scrolling and scrolling and counting makes my head hurt. And I'm always afraid I'm gonna mess it all up. I told ya I hate these contests.

Oh, oh yeah, who is number NINE???

Drum roll please.....

Mandy @ Hipp is My Middle Name

Come on down you have just won your very own copies of the first two books in the Twilight series! Let me get my kids allowance money together so I can trot off to the UPS store and ship these books to ya.

And FYI, about my last post, yeah, ummm, my battery died fifteen minutes after I published it. So I didn't get much guilt free blogging done. I had to read the Washington Post and get more depressed about that stinkin' financial bailout that is gonna cost you and I an arm and a leg. Note to all you people that bought more house that you could afford and to the predatory lenders, and yes I call it predatory when you know people are living on the edge, that allowed it to happen, you, you, you , you all should be ashamed of yourselves. Makes me so friggin' mad.

Enough ranting.

Congratulations, Mandy! I'll be in touch.

Nice segue huh?

On a totally unrelated subject, PENN STATE ROCKS!!!! NUMBER 6 IN THE POLLS. Thank you USC, Georgia, Florida, and Wisconsin. You just let us in the door to contend for it all.

post signature


Unknown said...

Congratulations, Mandy !!!!

You are really going to enjoy those books!!

Vicki said...

I have a good friend who is a Penn State fan. I'm sure she's happy too. Hey, when did you graduate? You may have been there at the same time...

Leslie said...

Congrats to your winner! ;)
Totally awesome books. I can't stop reading them. 2nd time through. (mwah, mwah to Edward)lol~

Heathahlee said...

Congratulations, Mandy!

On the football note...can you BELIEVE Ole Miss beat Florida! What was THAT all about? : )

Mandy said...

Thank you so much! I can't wait to see for myself how great these books are. How fun!

Michelle said...

I think I'm bummed that I didn't win, but I probably would have taken a year to read them anyway :) Someday I'll get to them....

And the bailout didn't pass. I'll be interested to see if they go back and try to rewrite it. If they don't get liquidity in the markets somehow (regardless of what it costs us -- the horse is out of the barn now), the whole economy will shut down. Picture the gas in Atlanta and pretend that's money.... And jobs.... This is not looking good.

And I'll stop depressing you now!

oº˚ Homeschool Mom˚ºo said...

Congratulations Mandy! Enjoy reading them I did! Much Love!

Brian and Staci said...

Congrats to Mandy! I liked your ranting! Debbie for President!!! And yes, I agree...thank you, thank you: USC, Georgia, Florida and Wisconsin....SOONERS #1!!! YEA BABY! I hope you got my comment about being able to host on Wednesday..I'm still having trouble opening your email! I'll be ready if you still want me :)

Kathi Roach said...

Woo Hoo! Go Penn State!!

Jen - Balancing Beauty and Bedlam said...

I am ranting right there with you, Deb...except we'll see what happens with my hubby. I haven't blogged about it...yet...I will, so you're the first to know. His company got bought out and they are all moving to Houston. Not that I don't love Texas, but we turned the offer down (before the big financial fiasco). Kind of hard to move away from "the dream" homestead type thing. SO, his job will move...without us, and yes, he is in the financial industry. We are in a big time "God watch" think they can take those braces off...just sayin' :)
Good thing we've got Dave Ramsey down pat. We're going to need that emergency fund!! Ok, I'll just copy/paste this and it can be my post :)

I Love Purple More Than You said...

Congrats Mandy! Welcome to your new obsession!

Lula! said...

We have offically broken up. My heart is now more wounded than it was on Saturday.


Sarah Mae said...

YAY! Congrats to the winner! Oh, and to concur with Debbie, PENN STATE ROCKS!!!!!!!

Jenni said...

I love how you can cover three topics and still not have the longwinded posts I manage to write. And I agree with the whole financial situation. Those people make me so angry--particularly when they get tax breaks to stay in the house they can't afford while we pay for it in the houses we bought responsibly!

Cant Hardly Wait said...

You mean... LSU rocks! =)

EEEEMommy said...

I am so relieved that I don't have to be ashamed (thank you NoVA for allowing me to sell high and buy low in IN!!!) cause I could see that finger waving, just like on the milky minutes commercials.

Go Penn State!

j said...

Woo Hoo! Penn State Rocks and so does Bama! LOVE college football.

And congratulations to your prize winner. I have heard that the Twilight Series is GREAT!

Darcy @ m3b said...

Ha! bet I had to take more of my kids' allowance than you did. ;)

Amen, gf. You say it like it is. I'll jsut stand here and clap. A lot.

Ninny lions??? I mean, Nittony. Gluttony?

What in the world is a Nittany anyway? *poke*

Go Hawks!

Amy Kay said...

Congrats Mandy, these books are amazing. Twilight is my favorite!

Debbie, I just want you to know I tagged you, now it's your turn, go to my blog and see what I tagged you to do. I think it will be fun, I hope you think so too.

Have a great Wednesday.
Hugs from Georgia, Amy ;)

taratoons said...

Yay for Penn State! It's always fun to be ranked high. The other Tara is pregnant! NOT ME! :) I wanted to say thanks for all the nice comments on my blog. I'm really starting to enjoy this blogging stuff. To top it all off, my husband proofread my BATW post and gave some nice comments - I think he is getting into it as well. :)

Joy said...

Good for Penn State, but I really think this past college football weekend needs to be forgotten. It was so crazy. I have to live with Buster- a GA Bulldog. He quit watching even before the 1st quarter ended and went upstairs and watched Alvin and The Chipmunks with our youngest. We had to keep his bloodpressure down.
You take care being on the frontline of the elementary school security detail.

emily freeman said...

Where have I been? Totally missed this giveaway. I could have used those books last week. When I bought them. For full price. It started out on a whim, a curious intrigue, if you will.

I am now on Book Three. It has been approximately 8 days since I started Twilight. I live and breathe vampire. This cannot be good for me.

So...what did you think of the Office premiere? (That is actually one of the reasons I came see what you thought :)