Friday, June 6, 2008

"Smelly cat pits, Smelly cat pits."

Apparently the stinky stank of the fifth grade boys at the elementary school my daughter attends has become too much for the teachers to bear. How do I know this? Well, this week, they distributed deodorant to all the fifth grade boys and encouraged, instructed, implored, oh, who are we kidding, begged them to apply it every stinkin' (No pun intended. Well, maybe pun was intended, but how could I resist ;) morning before coming to school.

I don't make up this stuff, people.

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veronica said...

The boys weren't the only ones! The girls received it as well plus they received a sample of Always! because you never know when you might get the dreaded period. Meg was just laughing about the whole thing. I do think it is kind of funny.

Lula! said...

Now I'll be singing smelly cat all day long. And that's not a terrible thing.

I do believe my daughter's school did the same thing. Personal hygiene--it's not just for teens anymore.

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

I wish I could convince my girls to wear deodorant. I don't understand why they refuse. They love to wear smelly lotions and potions...but this...they balk at. Very very strange indeed.

Emily said...

WHAT?! This is hilarious!

Lee Ann said...

My mom is a retired 5th grade teacher. The first day of school she would hold up deoderant and say "if you don't use this, tell your parents it's probably time to get you some." Especially when it's hot out they can get so smelly!

Julie said...

that is so funny. My friends with boys tell me that they go through a phase where they just stink. It is horrible. Oh boy do I have fun to look forward to!

Candid Carrie said...

Your people don't stink until fifth grade? In Wisconsin our kids start stinking in third grade!

Unknown said...

Oh Debbie, this is too good to be true!

Love ya! Sniz

Kimba said...

Oh yes! One of my dearest friends used to be a 5th grade teacher. She would tell me that they usually handed out deoderant at the beginning of the year - boys and girls.

She said that after recess the classroom would REEK.

Heathahlee said...

I laughed HARD on this one! I remember when I was in 5th grade and had to stay in for recess one day (sick or something or other) and the other kids came in...OH. MY. GOSH. I thought, "Surely I don't smell like that when I come in! Yeah, whatever. I'm sure my teacher wanted to give all of us deo, too.

Tiffany said...

I am glad that's all they are distributing.. I have been hearing horror stories of public school distributing contraceptives to the 5th graders...tell me it isn't so.

Tracey said...

Maybe I should start carrying extra deodorant to hand out to people standing behind me in line at Kohls or maybe I just shouldn't shop there anymore, there are some real stinkers at our Kohls.