Monday, April 7, 2008

Don't hate me, but...

...look what I got! Remember a couple of weeks ago when I said I wanted to buy these slippers that you wear to clean your floors? Well, my friend Holly bought me a pair and was very sneaky in giving them to me as she slipped them into my son's school bag after a playdate with her son. I was gonna go get a pedi today so that I could show you this picture, but I decided that white socks were so much hipper....well, that and I didn't have time and couldn't wait any longer to post this. My daughter and I have actually been fighting over she wants her own pair. I shall seize that moment, because in about two years, she won't want to be caught dead in them. I'll let you know how they work....thanks Holly!

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Trish said...

Those are great!

And yes, you definitely need to get your daughter a pair! you don't want to miss out on this window of willingness!

Heather said...

You look sooooo cool right now!! No, seriously those slippers are genius and they really should make some in kid's sizes. You could call them "sweeper skates". There's your million dollar idea.

EEEEMommy said...

Those are a riot! I really do want to know if they do anything for your floors! ;)

Jennifer P. said...

I would so wear those out in public :)!

Loved the last few posts of yours that I missed. Consider this comment like applause! I remember putting a post out there like that once..."who are all you people?"--and loved the response I got! Glad you had fun with it too!

Have a GREAT week!

ohhollyf said...

Glad you like them, and your de-lurking post is funny. Now, i goota read about the teddy graham.
Applause everytime, Holly

Anonymous said...

Hi Debbie,
I found your blog through another and I am so happy to meet you. I too love the LORD and try to live my life for him, I'm a work in progress. I love Christian music artists and I love to read Karen Kingsbury books. Please stop by sometime. Blessings.

LeAnn :)

Sissy said...

Can't wait for your review to see if they work at all. My wood floors are covered in "I don't know what" and I could use those.

Thanks for the info about PB outlets. I looked them up today and there is one in South Carolina that I can plan to visit in the summer. I am sooooo excited!

Gina said...

Let me know if they work. We just had the ORIGINAL wood floors redone in our house. I may have to get a bunch of those and institute a "put your slippers on in the house" rule. With 14 feet we should be able to keep the place tidy.

T-Luh said...

Did you already post a review of these? I think they are cute anyway (I'm a dork, I know), but I am interested in knowing if they are doing for your floors what they are doing for your reputation as a trend-setting fashion plate! :)