Thursday, April 10, 2008

Did I really hear that?

We didn't watch American Idol last night (Tivo'd it though), but when we turned the TV on at 10:00 as it was ending, we heard a familiar song being belted out. A familiar song we sing at CHURCH and on the Christian radio station we listen to. What? Could it be? Are the idolettes actually singing the quintessential worship song "Shout to the Lord?" On American Idol? In front of gillions of people? Wow. Whoa. Goosebumps. Now I need to rewind it to make sure they didn't change any of the words before I go any further.

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Unknown said...

I heard about this on the radio. Wow. That is so cool, especially in this world that is getting further and further from the Lord all the time!

Tisha said...

I happened to click on your blog from comments left on Courtney's today and I'm so glad I did! We are huge AI fans, but our DVR cut off the end of the show last night, so I had no idea about the last song. Wow, goosebumps are right! I love it. Good for AI. Good, good for AI! Thanks for cluing me in : )

Julie said...

I didn't download it because I thought it would be boring... do tell what happened... I am curious. Thanks fellow AI friend

Jennifer P. said...

I could just scream that I missed both the Tuesday show and Wednesday results thing. I'll have to go online somewhere and find it to watch. I have just loved this season with the diversity of songs, allowing instruments, and the way they all re-do the songs to make them their own. Very entertaining!

Gina said...

I don't watch- anything on TV. Last night I watched Nancy Drew. But HOORAY for the Idol who had the heart to Shout To The Lord, and HOORAY to AI for allowing it.

Debbie said...

Oh was ALL of them singing it...yes, you head me correctly. ALL 8 IDOLS SINGING IT TOGETHER. It sounded great too...not cheesy like the other songs they sing together. Last night was their charity show so there wasn't any competition...I haven't watched the rest of it...just caught the tail end of it when we turned on the TV.

Trish said...

Debbie, I too was caught off guard by that! I was sitting at my computer with my back to the TV, but it was on AI, and I heard the song come on and I started singing along and the I thought, "oh my goodness, this is on American Idol?" I went over to the couch to watch the rest of it, and I agree it was GOOD!
My prayer is that any of those kids who don't know Jesus as their savior would have been moved by the words that they were singing!

God works in wonderfully mysterious ways!!

Megan said...

Debbie, maybe your DVR cut off the beginning but the they DID start the song with the "my jesus, my savior" first verse. Unbelievable! It was great! But then the show just ended horribly when we lost Michael Johns...he was one of my favorites!

Debbie said...

Thanks Megan...I thought they changed the words. I deleted my "UPDATE." :)

Anonymous said...

I just found you by way of the Nesting Place. I read the comments. I recall the year Mandisa sang "Shackles"(is that the name of that song?) and they told her it was too indulgent and they didn't get it. I was shocked when my husband said they sang "Shout to the Lord". I thought it was very cool that they sang that song.

T-Luh said...

How awesome was that?! And too cool that you blogged about it, b/c I was really struck by it as well. I don't really watch AI, but Brett does. He had it on as I was taking Brady upstairs and I found myself automatically singing along and then I stopped and said, "Oh wow! Rewind that! That's a worship song on Idol! Awesome!"

Unknown said...

I had no idea...I missed it too!
I'll have to try and find a copy of it on line somewhere.
That is something to be thrilled about in this day and age. (though saddly we christains must be a marketable enough group that the executives authorized it's performance...fine by me though!)

Anonymous said...

WGTS has put the video up on their webiste for those that missed it. This is one of my most favorite songs and just had goosebumps as I watched it. Maybe society is finally getting it. Cathy

Unknown said...

You would not believe the controversial blogging going on out there in the blogosphere regarding this, and not all as encouraging and uplifting as yours. I am sure you will agree with the verse.
Phillipians 1:18
But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this, I rejoice.