Thursday, March 6, 2008

Idol or Idle chatter

"Yo DAWGS! Check it out, check it out." So today I'm really struggling with something to "talk" about. At first I thought I would do a little "American Idol" chatter and talk about the fact that the boys are loads better than the girls this year, or that the girls, yet again, didn't read the memo that Simon puts out yearly warning them not to ever, ever, ever sing Whitney, Mariah, Celine, or Christina or that Paula just cannot seem to put together a complete and coherent thought that doesn't involve something idiotic like, "your voice has texture, you are the colors of the rainbow, you made it your own, blah blah blah blah..." And why was she leaning on Simon? Freak. But then I decided that not everyone watches Idol. Then I thought about mentioning the election and how the Clintons just.won't.go.away. But I don't want to offend anyone. Then I thought about referring to this commerical for yeast infections that I thought had a "scream test," but it was really a "screen test." But then I realized that my brother-in-law and husband are regular readers and that would gross them out...well it grosses me out, too. Not a good topic for anyday of the week, really. Then I thought I could tell you that I'm having another potty seat problem. No I didn't fall in again. It has a crack, and if you sit down in just the right position it grabs enough skin to pinch my tooty tot. Yes, I have issues...we just haven't gotten 'round to replacing it while being in the flu fog and all. But that whole potty seat topic is kind of weird, too. So I guess I really don't have anything to say today. Aren't you glad you stopped by?

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veronica said...

Funny but you sound a little like Paula! ha, ha Hope you get the toilet fixed soon because I would hate for you to have to post about the tooty toot again!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like ur feling better

Debbie said...

Veronica...are you calling me a freak! I know where you live ;)

Kelly said...

Would you believe I have that same stupid crack in my toilet seat .....and I only remember that I should get a new one when I sit down and get pinched!!! I really need to fix

thanks for an awesome blog~

Courtney said...

that was so funny! :-)

Jennifer said...

You crack me up, I couldn't agree with you more about Idol. Funny note, my brother Jamie, the football coach one, remember when he was coaching at teh smnall college in IN, well guess where Wabach is, that's right Crawfordsville, IN and where was Luke Minnard from? That's right. Jamie didn't know him but he knew of the family, they are big family and he had them clean their carpets! I liked Luke but he didn't know what to sing. I mean WHAM! for pete's sake, the boy can't dance and he picks a dance song!?!?! he sang it well but if you aren't dancing to a dance song then it just looks all wrong.

Anyway, I am glad I stopped by, even if it's just for a good chuckle about the random things in life!

Jennifer said...

Man, my fingers are fat this am, that should be "at that small college in IN, Wabash" man....

Mrs. Jones said...

Go down to home depot and pick yourself up a new seat, girl. It is beyond easy to put on. Having 3 kids, I love to replace them every once in a while. I saw one the other day that is removable so it can be cleaned thoroughly! I'm trying that bad boy.

And I just can't believe my ears when someone sings a song by Whitney, Celine, etc. on that show because if a person has EVER WATCHED it, aaaaand wants to BE a singer, they SHOULD KNOW that you DON'T SING THOSE SONGS! Duh. I'm glad I'm not the only one who is bothered by this. ;-)


Sissy said...

A little rambling is called for now and then. Sometimes funny thoughts don't make for a long post, just an entertaining one!

Jennifer P. said...

This is my mind constantly! When I first started blogging I would do posts about any and all random things I was thinking about. Then I started to worry that someone might turn me in to some kind of agency that would take some part of my family or myself away--so now I'm back to just rambling about this stuff to my husband :)! Lucky man.

I thought it was hilarious! I think the guys are better too, but I think the girls are going to show a lot of improvement. I love Brooke and Karli.

Toilet seats are only about $5.00. I'd spend that to save my hind end from being pinched :)!

Yeast infections. Yes. Let's not go there!

Tracey said...

When I saw the title of this post I had to close it until just now because we hadn't watched Idol yet. We tape and watch all 3 nights in one sitting on fast's much more tolerable that way.

I said the EXACT same thing, why, why, why does anyone sing Whitney?

Do you think Paula is on something?

Debbie said...

Tracey...I do think that she is on some type of medication...there have been rumors to that effect. Sometimes she seems so lucid. Other times she seems, well, you know, kooky.

I on the other hand was not on anything other than Advil when I wrote my ramble ;)

Runner Girl said...

I am glad I stopped. You perfectly summed up the ordinary thoughts of an ordinary day in the life of a blogger! Loved it! We're livin' life with bloggy eyes! Boys read your blog? Wow!

Anonymous said...

Finally,...someone else that loves Diet Coke and not Pepsi!!!!!

Heather said...

This is the most hilarious post and I can TOTALLY identify with not knowing what to post about. It's perfect.

I MUST agree with your Paula assessment. She's getting worse and worse and have you noticed how Simon wiggles her chair when she's talking. I swear it's to keep her awake or ground her or something.

I have plenty to say about the "lady business" you mentioned, but I'll spare the men-folk.

And your toilet seat issue is just unfortunate. I'm so very sorry about that.

Unknown said...

Have I told you how much I love the term "tooty tot"? I noticed it last time I was here. How very cute...I've never heard it before either. I thought this post said a lot for not having anything to say. Fun!