Wednesday, March 5, 2008

the dollars and (non)sense of having the flu

So I was thinking the other day how horrible this flu season has been for lots of families. Then of course, I started down the path of analyzing how much it actually cost our family in both the tangibles and intangibles. Ready for this. Let's just say, it ain't pretty:

$75 in co-pays for 5 doctor visits

$200 in Tamiflu bills for the first and second bouts of flu. It worked great for the kids. For me, not so much. I still feel lousy.

$20 for antibiotics for strep and whatever thing they thought I had in January when I actually had the flu.

2 full bottles of Delsym cough syrup

1 full bottle of Advil

2 bottles of Children's Motrin

1 bag of cough drops

2 Costco size boxes of Kleenex

2 boxes of Theraflu (it really works...I was skeptical)

7 days of missed school for each child

2 days Bob took off work to take care of us when I just couldn't get out of bed.

10 days I hadn't left my house before last Monday other than to go to the doctor.

10 loads of laundry staring me in the face right now. How did that happen? We didn't go anywhere.

2 weeks it took me to get my house back in order after the first go round with the flu. It'll probably take longer this time.

4 Sundays of church missed.

1 bi-annual school carnival missed that the kids were looking forward to attending.

1 planned trip to High School Musical concert event cancelled, (Tickets $140) but fortunately, we were able to sell them.

and finally, this is the worst one:

1 Ten year wedding anniversary weekend cancelled.

The flu sucks.

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Unknown said...

It has been amazing the amount of meds we have taken the past month. Maybe we were a focus/test group for a pharmaceutical company and didn't realize it. I've taken one of everything, my valuable consumer feedback is for sale ;-)

Heather said...

Oooooh, honey, the flu DOES suck. It's been a rough ride for you. I'm so sorry. And I'm super DUPER sorry about your ten year anniversary weekend. Maybe you can reschedule. Hang in there. Spring will be here soon!!

Courtney said...

amen, debbie!

Runner Girl said...

I say book your cruise to the Caribbean...NOW!!

Jennifer P. said...

soooo stinky! I figured we spent pretty close to $500 for the doctors, ER visits, and medications.

So sorry to hear about your anniversary weekend. I'm sure that's one that can for sure be re-scheduled, right?!


Jennifer said...

We have escaped thus far but I'm still expecting the shoe to drop, especially when all the kid's friends are dropping!

Will pray that you are recovered soon and that the kids VOLUNTEER to help Mommy get the house back to normal, what ever that is... is there a normal when you have kids?!!?!?! :)

Sissy said...

The flu has taken down many a strong person this season. The kids at my school are dropping like flies, as are the teachers. We had one teacher out for close to two weeks! And when she came back, she still wasn't 100%. I am sorry that it swept through your house.

Tracey said...

Good bye winter and good bye flu...hello SPRING!