Sunday, March 9, 2008

guilty pleasures

Huh? What? Dawson's Creek? Debbie, that's been off the air foreva. Yeah, I know. But I was thinking today about guilty pleasures. You know those things that you do that maybe you shouldn't do but when you do, it really makes you happy...guiltily happy. TV is sometimes usually like that. My biggest guilty pleasure right now is "The Office." That is must-see-guilty-pleasure-TV for me. I can miss Idol and not care, but I can't miss "The Office." So what does that have to do with Dawson's Creek? Well, I never watched the show when it was actually on TV. As a matter of fact, I didn't watch it until last year when I found it on Noggin one sleepless night. I watched one episode and finally understood why it was so popular when it was on. It's actually really really good...great writing, smart dialogue, great stories, loads of character development, beautiful scenery, funny, endearing, great opening song, (that I added to my playlist today) etc. So we joined Netflix so I could rent the series and watch at my own pace. It took me 10 months to go through all six seasons, but I really enjoyed it. The early years were exceptional, the latter years not so much as usually happens when the original writers go on to bigger and better things although I'm not sure what bigger and better things they went on to...but it was still entertaining and you were either a Pacey/Joey fan or a Dawson/Joey fan. I started out a fan of the latter, but became a big fan of the former. If you watched, you know what I'm talking about. To me it was a guilty pleasure, because let's face it, it was a teeny bopper show and well, I left my teens in the last century.

Now it's your turn, what's your favorite guilty pleasure? Come on, everyone has one. I love hearing what people have to say. And if you were a Dawson's fan, were you happy with the ending?

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Kelly said...

Oh my I am glad I am not the only DC fan....I am not sure if I was unhappy about the ending or just unhappy it ended......I too did not watch it as a teen but did a few years ago.....and then it had started again from the beginning on a station and I chose not to watch it, even though I loved it....I think I was upset that Jen died, although I never really took much of her side on anything....and I did like Joey with Pacey but then felt bad for Dawson being alone that last episode. The writing was really good, I had always thought that, maybe thats why I told myself it was ok to watch it....even though I was older then the characters! And I always thought I would love to live in that area.....they really made it look like a quaint and dreamy place. Things like walking to the movie theater or falling asleep by the creek ...things like that, I always felt like I wished I was there, lol. Hey I wonder if Tom Cruise ever watched???? lol

What a great post!

Jennifer P. said...

Never watched more than an episode of it! Did watch some of Felicity and remembered really liking it. I guess Saturday Night Live, Judge Judy, The Peoples Court, and Cops are my guilty pleasures. I like to laugh at people pretending to be stupid, and actual stupid people. None of them have great theme songs though.... :)!

Unknown said...

Well I CANNOT miss the Office and own all the seasons so we can watch all the deleted scenes.

But my guilty pleasure used to be Will and Grace...I hated the gay part, but the dialog was so funny. I never watched it regularly because I just couldn't do it, but if I was by myself and there was a re-run on, I'd watch it and laugh like crazy. I used to be a flight attendant, and some of the guys I worked with (they were all gay, sad to say) were sooo cool and fun to be with and if I wasn't a Christian, I'd love to have a best friend non-sexual relationship like Will and Grace because he's so devoted to her and he doesn't even have sex with her to "sweeten the pot", you know? He just loves her regardless of how sexy she is or how she looks. (That's love, at least as far as the world is concerned.) How's that for guilt?

Heather said...

I'm just going to go ahead and admit this, but I liked the Sopranos when it was on. I always had to record it and watch it after the kids were in bed, but it was definitely a guilty pleasure.

Unknown said...

wow I just realized that I dont watch anything religiously. How sad for me. I have to say that food is my guilty pleasure. I love it....ALL OF IT!

veronica said...

Never saw Dawsons creek but I could watch hours of Sex and the City reruns. I love Sarah Jessica Parker. I love to see what she is wearing and her hair. She can be a little eclectic but also very classic. I am counting down the days until the movie is in theatres. I have to say I also love Grey's Anantomy and I am missing it terribly.

Tangee said...

I too am a DC fan who came late in the show, I started liking it during it's last season. I was that way with Gilmore Girls too. My guilty pleasures are Ghost Hunters and Stargate SG-1. They appeal to my inner nerd who jumps up and down screaming "Yes! Yes!" when they come on.

Tracey said...

I definitely DID NOT watch Dawson's Creek. Only because a guy I was dating before marrying Mr. Incredible actually cheated on me with a girl who ended up being Katie Holmes body double on the show. How rude!

My guilty pleasure was Dog the Bounty Hunter. I couldn't get enough of that show! I finally gave it up when the fake drama go to be too much.

Runner Girl said...

Similar experience, different happened to me with Gilmore Girls...though I haven't watched the entire series. In fact, I don't know if it is still a current show?!? I may have to check Dawson's Creek bff Lulu always hung up on me when it came on! Such a teeny bopper!! Still lovin' your music, girl! Don't want to leave your blog because of it!