Wednesday, December 5, 2007

lotsa pain and guilty pleasures

You'll never guess where I am...believe me it isn't a vacation in a warm locale...well, it is warm, and I have been here for three days straight...still can't figure it out? I have been in my BED for three straight days with lower back pain. Someone forgot to tell me that I'm not 22. Last week, I did chores for 10 straight hours (without shoes on, thus I didn't have any support) and woke up the next day with some moderate lower back continued to worsen over the next day or so, but I managed the pain with 3 Advil at a time...each time I did that, I felt like a new woman and continued on with all the things I had to get Sunday rolls around, and in the early evening I started lifting bins of Christmas decorations and carrying them upstairs. After half an hour or more of that, I had to stop because I had really wrenched my back...dumb move. From that moment on, I was in excruciating pain...not even the advil would take the edge off Monday I went to the doctor who told me I had probably pulled those lower back muscles and prescribed me a trio of medicine to help me feel better and told me to just rest as long as I could. Well that would be good news if it were the weekend, but it meant Bob had to work from home to get the kids to and from school, to speech therapy, and to their dentist appointments...He got to see first hand all the running around mamas do. I did enjoy my time relaxing...(I'll let you in on a secret...I got to indulge in one of my favorite guilty pleasures...I watched, in it's entirety, season 6 of Dawson's Creek on DVD that I have been wanting to watch (never watched the show when it was on TV...I discovered it one sleepless night in the past year on noggin...I know, I'm so lame, but it really is good..besides, I was too loopy from the drugs to read...i needed something mindless) Today is the first day that I have been able to actually get out of bed without wincing...although I am walking like a 100 year old hunched over woman...I think that is more from being in bed for so long...the worst part about this whole thing is that I literally couldn't do anything, and I have never felt pain like that before...I have always been so healthy, and being laid flat out for that long really gave me pause to stop and think about how much I take my health for granted. I won't do that again...we are on a one-way street in this aging process...ya just don't recover as quickly. As a result of my "bed rest" as it were, we had to unwind all our plans and arrangements for the neighborhood dinner party that we were hosting on neighbors graciously came up with a back-up plan when it became obvious that we weren't going to be able to host...My kids have been awesome, Lindsey has been writing me get well notes and one of her friends, Annie, wrote me a get well note and sent it sweet is that...Lindsey brought me a bell and told me to ring it whenever I need anything...she has been so concerned about me because our morning routine has been disrupted and she doesn't like "Daddy's morning routine"...He does the same things I do...she just wants her made me feel good...Kyle on the other hand thought it was great that Daddy got to take him to school. Hopefully, I will be able to move around a bit more tomorrow...but right now, I am catching up on email and blogging on my laptop from my nice comfy warm bed...


Courtney said...

glad you're on the mend!

Julie said...

I was wondering where you have been... haven't read an updated blog lately... I am glad that you are feeling better!!! I will pray for continued healing!