Monday, May 14, 2007

yep, it's strep

Friday morning, minutes before Kyle was to get on the bus, he threw up repeatedly in the mulch outside. Had it been a few minutes later, he would have been on the bus sharing his breakfast in an unappetizing way. Wouldn't have been a pretty sight. So, much to his disappointment and mine, he didn't go to school and not 10 minutes later he spiked a fever. It continued all weekend long...I missed Lindsey's soccer game and her first goal, and Kyle and Bob missed church. (We did go to Rio Grande for lunch on Saturday with my Mom, though....had a Swirl...forgot how good they were...but at $7.50 a pop and too much alcohol in it, it will be awhile before I have one again...i was really sleepy afterwards) Now onto my story...this morning Kyle woke up complaining his ear hurt...great...took him in only to find out it wasn't his was his throat and the pain was causing his ear to hurt, too. Took a strep test..yup, positive...So here we are....home again...he's not happy about missing school again, and although mama is glad to snuggle, I've got things to do!


Courtney said... sorry! and it's so beautiful outside! i hope he feels better really quickly!!