Pretenders bug me.
Pretentious people bug me even more.
But, people who pretend to be pretentious just make me laugh.
So I'm at the optometrist having Little Red Riding Hood's eyes examined, and the I'm-not-an-optometrist-but-I-want-to-be-one-someday lady who helped LRRH pick out glasses admires my purse, squealing (seriously squealing):
"OOOHHHH, I love your purse, is that Dolce & Gabbana????"
To which I reply in my library voice, "No, it's Ebay."
Deflated and indigant, her reply was, "OH. I don't do Ebay."
To which I reply, "Oh honey, that's too bad. Because you just thought my $25 purse was the $395 one from Dooney & Bourke not Dolce & Gabbana.
Well, I didn't really say that. I bit my tongue, smiled, and said nothing.
It was best that way.
But believe me I thought it.
Because, if you're gonna pretend to be prententious, at least get your designers straight.

Oh very cute! I like that purse. I actually tried to buy a giraffe print purse recently, but it was sold out :(
And the pretending to be pretentious people... yeah. Entertaining. I'd be interested to see her reaction if you did say something along those lines! ;)
I normally don't hang around a lot of pretentious people, first because that is a very big word and most of them couldn't spell it and second I don't have any acccessories over $50.
Isn't it a drag to be so witty in our minds, but have to be so courteous in real life?!
Maybe you should have said it.
That is hysterical. I just say that same bag...real...I read the label on a ladies arm in Cold Stone and thought...I want that bag. Would I pay 395 for it? Heck no, but 25 on Ebay sounds good to me.
That is too funny...but I do like that purse.
Oh, and small world on you growing up in Fairfax and going to Robinson. We actually go to church at St. Mary's right across the street from Robinson.
Enjoy your day :^ )
I think you should have said that and then pointed your finger in her face and shouted..."BOO-YA!!!"
Because me picturing you doing that makes me laugh.
That is so awesome! Love the bag. Wish I had patience for ebay...not trying to be pretentious...just sayin'! :)
such a familiar story. i had a purse that received so many is that a "dooney" questions that i paid only $35 for. i loved the purse, wore it out! and you know it was in no way, shape or style other than the print similar to a "dooney." and i was proud to carry it too!!! i would rather have 10 purses that i carry till they die than one i can't set on the bench at a football game or on the floor of my car...etc., etc. thanks for a great story. love your blog. i'm a lurker and soon to be, when i get my blog going, blogger too!
Oh Debbie your so nice cause well... I would have said it.
Too funny.
Love E-bay and Love the purse by the way.
Okay, that IS funny! I would have tried that once upon a time...9 kids later I just have to say GARAGE SALES AND THRIFT STORES ALL THE WAY! :)
Have a great day!
I like your purse better!!!
Thx for stopping by the other day. Miss hearing from that your famous and all. Come back when you have another spare minute.....:)
Oh I have to say I am totally with you! I shop at places like Ross, Marshalls, TJ Max and when someone says how much they love my dress or something my come back is always Thank you Ross find for 14.99 ;)
I love Ebay its lots of fun and you can find some really great deals if you research! ;)
I agree with some of these ladies I would have said "That’s to bad I spend 25.00 on this great big purse while you spend 395.00 for a small wallet! ;) Blessings
I think you should have said it. :)
And I seriously know nothing about designers. Does that make me socially backward or something?
I just get embarrassed for people when they do that.
You go with your Ebay deals!!! I bought a Dooney & Bourke before I had kids. I sold it at a garage sale for 2 bucks....sad....really sad.
I wouldn't know a Dooney if it bit me in my Bourke.
Why can't someone simply compliment you on your purse and not go into the where on earth did you buy it and how much did you pay for it spiel!! Arghh!
My little purse story - I bought a small beautiful leather organizer purse a few years back. Then started carrying a big briefcase to work and decided I didn't need to carry a purse as well. My oldest was looking for a purse and I gave it to her. She had it for quite a while, then found one she really liked and gave 'mine' to her younger sister who wore it for some time as well. Most recently sis bought herself a new purse. I thought it was the most practical purse and I could surely use one now that I don't carry my briefcase any more. Sure mom, she said, take it, it's your old purse you know! Now that to me, was an economically sound purchase! A family treasure, lol!
Ohhh I love the purse!! And whats wrong with ebay?? No offense, but I dont think many people are going to be thriving with our economic crisis, so she can shove it. And we'll see her next week on ebay.
hehe. Fer sure, do NOT move to Orange County. We have all sorts of pretenders, pretentious-ers, and pretentious pretenders. It's a way of life here.... For reals.
hehe. Fer sure, do NOT move to Orange County. We have all sorts of pretenders, pretentious-ers, and pretentious pretenders. It's a way of life here.... For reals.
oh my goodness right there with you! Last week at my daughter's ice skating lesson i sat and listen to 3 mom's talk about a "Juicy Corture" bag. I was about ready to pull my hair out...they have NO CLUE about what life is really about!! Have a beautiful week!
I don't DO Ebay either .. but because I'm lazy, not pretentious ;o)
In fact, I buy most of my purses at thrift stores.
There is almost nothing I love more than a really good thrift store.
When I get a compliment about a 'knock off' or Ebay steal, I just smile and say thanks.
Why do we feel the need to qualify a compliment with a "Oh, I got it on sale, or it's not real..." type of commment?
Be proud of your thrift and frugality!!!
Well, I wouldn't know Dooney & Bourke from Taget, so there. How's that for pretentious? :)
I just posted about my little shopping spree. I bought this purse at the flea market for $20!! Isn't it great?!?!?!!!
Amen. I "do" ebay all the time!!
that is hilarious. I'm impressed that you bit your tongue. :) I'm also impressed you knew the comparable bag brand. I wouldn't have known. ;)People are funny creatures ... you can never true know what to expect. It would be good that if one is to name out a name brand it ought to be correct and who really cares in the first place who made it as long as it is worth what you spent (if not better. :) ). I hope that you have a Marvelous Monday without another pretentious pretender insight. If there is I would do as you suggested and Laugh. ;) Thank you for checking out my place. :)
Anyone who has enough $$ to spend on that D&B purse would NOT be an assistant working in an eye dr.'s office anyway.
I remember once a friend of our told us her husband wouldn't allow her to shop at Target. Apparently, it's too low class for LA attorneys.
I almost peed my pants laughing.
I haven't used ebay quite so much lately, but when I need to sell or buy homeschool stuff, I think you're pretty much out of your mind if you buy it from the publisher when you can get the exact same thing from an ebayer. It may be used, but in my experience, homeschool moms like me take extra special care of their stuff so they can sell it on ebay. And then I turn around and sell it after I'm done. I love ebay!
(and I love the purse, too!)
That is funny, to bad you bite your tongue. I wouldn't know my designer's either but I wouldn't pretend I do. I just love that purse, the ebay one is so much better.
and yes I would be honored to host.
Great post, and soooo true! Love the $25 bag.....not a pretender, a jealous gal who wishes I had one!
I don't do people like that either. I bought something on craigslist and a person I know said she wouldn't tell people that. I thought, now I know why we are good friends. Her loss I guess.
You did the right thing. I often have trouble with that Have to Get the Last Word In thing. My Mom always counseled against this urge. If she'd been with you, she would have been proud!
Care to share a recipe or 2? My little ol' blog turns 150 (posts) today...Hope to see ya soon!
She sure wouldn't like me then. :) $5 - yard sale, and I always share how much. I understand what your above commenter said about not qualifying it, but I tried that...didn't work.
I don't want people to think I spent a million bucks to "dress like a million bucks." Make sense? I spent a weekend at a conference and at the end of the weekend, a bunch of us were sharing after the evening "black tie gala." Yep, I did it...I told that I got my designer gown for $10 at Good Will. I just couldn't help know why? Because I was proud of that find. I could have afforded at the time to buy the designer gowns, but why?
One of the woman gasped and said, " I thought you were really rich because you dress like you are."
Since then, that total stranger has emailed me wanting some tips on cutting their budget...all because I shared about my Good will dress. Too bad I didn't have a blog at the time...but now I do. :)
Can you tell I am passionate about this? hee hee Not that anything is intrinsically wrong with a Dooney and that I know what to look for, I'll let you know when I find it - at Good Will. :)
Yep - I should have just made this a blog post.
Oops...I guess Dooney and Bourke is a store - Not a brand...?
Humbling climbing back into my thrifty hole. I'll stick to Ann Taylor, I know her.
bwaahahahaha! I have no idea what any of those names mean.
But your bag is dern cute. That I know.
So funny...I love that purse!
-sandy toes
OH I like your purse WAAAYYY better. I like the buckles.
And $25 is so much better.
Hee-hee. I would just tell you I like your purse!
I actually like the e-bay one better. Phoney, you can smell them a mile away....
Dooney and who? Dolce and wuh?
I like yours better anyway. Even if it is from ebay. Which I also "do".
I'm a long-time E-Bayer myself! Listen, this post and so many others are EXACTLY why I've selected you to receive some Bloggy Bling. Please come by my place to collect your winnings!
bwahahahaha!! Love it!
Hey there friend!! another comment...what a wonderful surprise!!!!
Thanks for making me smile! :)
Exactly, I have been asked the same thing often, I picked mine up at the Charleston Market! :) It's too funny. p.s. your eBay price was $13 lower than mine. You win. :)
Guess I am not pretentious, cause I would not know the difference. I love the Giraffe print though.
Too funny! I totally would have opened my big 'ol pie hole! LOL
LOVE your purse. I am always on eBay looking for that next great purchase!
I can't stand them either. I am not as well mannered as you are. I would've had to say something. I don't see any reason for people to act that way. We all put our pants on the same way.
Anyway I just hopped over to tell thanks for the comment and adding me to BATW. I thank that is the best idea I've seen. Have a great evening!
Wow! I so think your Ebay purse looks better than the designer one too!!!
Reason #872 why I love you. It's a long list, for sure.
You go girl. I love your purse and the price you paid.
Love this! LOl what a hoot. Sometimes our brain comments are the best even if we don't let them out. Found your blog from blog hopping thanks I enjoyed reading!
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