Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Oh yeah. I'm going there.

I've decided that I, too, can run for President.


All I have to do is say, "I want change. I want the troops out of Iraq. I want to get Bin Laden. I'm going to cut taxes. I'm going to fix the economy. I'm going to fix health care."

And the beauty of it is, that I don't have to tell you HOW I'm going to do it.

Because I don't really know how to.

And near as I can tell,

neither do our current candidates.


However, I do have a couple of things I need to say to them.

Mr. Obama: You're a nice guy, charismatic, different, and not Hillary Clinton. But you are so far left of me on so many issues that, I just can't.

Mr. Biden: Are you really running for VEEP? Really? Hmmm. What was that you said about Obama not being ready to run this country? And even after that, they STILL picked you. Wow. What changed your mind? Oh that's right, they PICKED you.

Mr. McCain: Umm. Based on my political leanings, I should vote for you. But I set out in a cold rain with an infant 8 years ago to vote AGAINST you in the Virginia primary leading up to the 2000 election. I'm not convinced. Now what?

Mrs. Palin: Are you really Tina Fey? Because I gotta tell you that I am getting confused these days on who is who and that is a concern. Will Tina be in the White House playing you? And as much as I admire you, your pregnant teen daughter and infant child with Downs Syndrome need you more than we do right now.

What does all this mean for me?

I don't know.

But right now, I think I'm voting for her instead.

post signature


Tracy P. said...

Oh rats, Debbie. I was hoping for something more controversial. We were all having so much fun over here yesterday. Lizzy's a no-brainer. Wait, no, I didn't mean it that way. VOTING for Lizzy's a no-brainer.

Jen - Balancing Beauty and Bedlam said...

Oh come on...let Tracy know that I can certainly make it controversial if she wants. Just dare me....I could do it! Really! I could. :)

ohhollyf said...

I'm in the same stand still, and have never felt this before. I am so black&white on issues, but as you said there are no "how's" given, so what are we given to choose from? This is a tough time.

Tracy P. said...

All I really want to know is where you can find out how many votes a write-in candidate actually gets. Can't you just hear it now..."In a stunning, unprecedented, online grassroots effort, Hot Tub Lizzie has been elected president! We don't even know who you are, but Hot Tub Lizzy, will you please come forward to claim your prize!" And we will all rush forward to vouch for her as our prez!

We can all dream a little, can't we? ;-)

Denyse said...

I'd vote for you Debbie. Maybe you could join Lizzy's ticket.

Amy said...


Unknown said...

First of All - much thanks to Tracy P for a MUCH needed laugh this morning!!!

Second - just this morning Essie saw a car with Obama stickers. And she said "MOM, I REALLY need to know who you are voting for!" And I had to tell her... "Honestly sweetie, I'm voting for me. I just can't do anyone else".

It's an interesting day for America when I'm the best choice I have.

Elena said...

So true, so true, so true!

heather said...


Jenni said...

Well stated. I concur. You and Lizzy have my votes!

Michelle said...

Me? Me? Wow, I'm... I'm... flattered.

Diet Coke? check!
Lemon wedge? check!

Oh, and my advice... vote for the lesser of the two evils. That's all I'm sayin'.

Rhea said...

I'd vote for Tina Fey. She's hilarious.

Desi said...

Understandable. Palin drives me nuts,personally.

Heather said...

Oh yeah, Lizzy's my first choice by far.

Anonymous said...

I am right there with ya on this one. Were you in my house last night? I had this same conversation... I feel frozen... I don't like either choice and just feel stuck on the issue at this point. When I vote it will be to keep one of them out of the White House not to put the other one in. *sigh*

Lindsay said...

I agree with the McCain thing. I was pretty angry for awhile when he won the nomination. I wish he was more excited about conservative ideas rather than unconstitutionally buying up bad mortgages and replacing them with fixed rate mortgages at a huge loss to the government. But it will be a cold day in you know where before I vote for Obama!

Lynn - the piggy bank painter said...

Oh yeah, Debbie and Lizzy on the same ticket. Where can I get a sign????? and a bumper sticker and a t shirt?

Enter the Super Duper SuperWAHMz Contest!

EEEEMommy said...

I emphatically agree with every assessment!!!

I Love Purple More Than You said...

I think you summed up the whole election beautifully!

Unknown said...

I'm going to vote for Lizzy as well !!!

Oops, no I can't, because I can't vote !! I'm only a permanant resident. Rats !!

But if I could vote, then I'd definitely be voting for Lizzy !!!

Lula! said...

I'm Lizzy's press secretary, so you know whom I'm voting for.

And even if I didn't admit that, you know me far well enough to realize who I'd NEVER IN A BOJILLION YEARS cast a vote for. I'm afraid our state might be a different color come November. Sigh...

Tiffany said...

My husband summed it up well with, "These people are the best they could offer us? That just can't be."

Becky W said...

I agree with all you said. I know I am new to this blogging thing, so I guess I need to get to know Hot Tub Lizzy!! She sounds great! I would cast my vote for you!! All we can really do is pray!

Lee Ann said...

Sorry I've been busy and haven't checked in a while. Glad I picked today to pop in. I couln't agree more!

Brian and Staci said...

Oh GREAT post! I think most of our nation doesn't know what to think or believe??? God help us....and I mean that with all my heart!

oº˚ Homeschool Mom˚ºo said...

I'm voting for Lizzy! I didn't watch the debate last night my husband did. That kind of stuff makes me mad because it is the same thing over and over. They are just saying what they know people want to hear to get their vote and then when they get in office they do nothing they said they would do. So to hell with them all! thanks for sharing -- Much Love


Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Like you, with my leanings, I know who I should vote for. But, ugh. It's not who I want to vote for. I was actually rather excited during the primaries. But then, my candidate isn't there anymore. I have joined Lizzy for Pres. I hear she might put me in charge of edumacation...

Piggy said...

I was wondering when you were going to go there especially after last night's debate!

Anonymous said...

haha...I love that! I agree with you 100%! Came over from SITS! Have a great Wednesday!

Aubrey said...

Great post. You tell it like it is. I just hope that you ALL really do go out and vote next month!

Gretchen said...

Ooh, is lizzy a write-in? What is her party? I think she should be the Leopard Print party (as opposed to Green party. Get it?)

Michelle said...

Hmmm... now that's an interesting option! Does she have a VP picked out yet?

Kathi Roach said...

You crack me up! Tina Fey is dead on, isn't she???

Did you see Todd Smith from Selah in the audience at the debate? He was right in the front row, but he didn't get called on to ask a question..darn. I was so excited to see if he'd get to ask a was by far the most excitement I've ever had watching a debate.

Melissa Lester said...

Cool, so if Hot Tub Lizzy wins, does this mean everyone on her blog roll automatically gets a spot on her cabinet?

I must confess, I am ready for the election to be OVER!

Jennifer P. said...

I'm seriously considering a write-in candidate. I just can't bring myself to vote,,,,nor NOT to vote. SIGH.

Go Lizzie Go!

Runner Girl said...

Spot on, girl. S-P-O-T O-N!!!!

Sissy said...

I think Tina Fey might actually have more sense than Sarah Palin and I lived in Alaska when I was a kid.

Carolina Mama said...

You had me going - I thought someone was finally going to give an opinion and stand by it. :)

Vote people vote. As Michelle, we chose the lesser of two evils.

Anyway, cute post. I think I am the only girl on the planet that doesn't watch SNL you know.

Betty said...

Wow! You really rack in the comments. Great post. I feel for you all. Me being an outsider, I am watching your elections very carefully and hope that like Michelle said: You choose the lesser of two evils....

Joy said...

This is definitely one of the hardest elections to vote in. My first experience in the voting booth I got the priviledge to vote for Ronald Reagan. They don't make them like that anymore. It saddens me. McCain was not my pick during the Primary, but nonetheless, I'll hold my nose and vote for him just like his mother said.

Nik said...

I'm definitely voting for Lizzy too. I voted for her in 2004 and unfortunately she didn't win. I'm hoping 2008 will be her big year!

Alicia said...

I just created a link list for mom's in the public schools and inclueded you in that. I really appreciated your post on it. Today I posted about why I have this growing burden for these women. Thank you for writing.

Caroline said...

Yes, my friend. You are so right. I always want to ask HOW they plan to do the things they talk a big game about. Being president is certainly NOT a position I would want to hold!

Heather - Sanctified Woman said...

Enjoyed the light-hearted post!

I'll cast my (real) vote and am trusting Him for the outcome for the future of our nation, as I take it one day at a time intentionally investing in the next generation, our future leaders.

koopermom said...

Yeah, I'm voting for Pedro.

Happy SITSathon!

Megan B ♥ said...

I'm totally with you, sister.

Anonymous said...

You've got it right! Thanks for expressing what so many of us feel. What to do, what to do...