Sunday, October 12, 2008

How much do you blog daily?

I am very curious about how much time other people spend blogging, either reading them or keeping their own. Since I don't think people will answer honestly in the comment section, I set up the poll in my sidebar.

Will you play, purdy please?

All you lurkers can play too because I know you're there. And I love ya;)

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Keys to the Magic Travel said...

It's probably just me...but all I see are dots to vote without times next to them. Could just be blogger acting quirky again...

Nichole said...

Honestly, I spend about 10-20 minutes writing my post. I hate writing so I do it as quickly as possible. And, if I spend more time than that I second guess everything and it takes forever, and usually I don't post at all. So in order to post and do it painlessly, I do it as quickly as possible :o)

I then spend about 30-60 minutes looking at other blogs. If my husband is working and I don't have any other obligations, I spend extra time looking at my Google Reader suggestions.

Hope you had a great weekend :o)

Rhea said...

I kind of come and go all day, or spend a couple of hours in the morning and a couple in the just depends on the day. One day a week I will spend 5 or more hours total, I'm sure, but most days it is only 3-4. ONLY. lol Ok, I blog a lot, I admit. lol

Anonymous said...

A lot!

But I just started so will it ween away?

And I LOVE writing. I never realized it before but I keep my computer up so I can get thoughts out of my head and on the computer when something pops into my head. It's all just pouring out of me.

I love reading what everyone else has to say too.

"The Queen in Residence" said...

If we honestly told it would be SHOCKING!!! But just try and take me away from my bloggy friends.... no way!

Shannon said...

My hubby thinks I blog more than I should... he complains that the laundry pile is getting too high...

I come and go throughout the day. Usually after the kids have gone to school, then maybe again later on before I go pick them up... but I do most of my blogging late at night, after everyone else is in bed asleep.

Michelle said...

I'm with Shannon. I blog when the wee ones are at school/napping (ha!) and after they've gone to bed... lucky me, they have VERY early bedtimes (for many reasons). I'm probably pretty close to the 3 hour mark but not quite there!

oº˚ Homeschool Mom˚ºo said...

My computer sits on my desk -- so when the kids are doing their indepentdent work I read little. I stay up at night working on blogs and posting comments. I would have to say 1 or 2 hours here and there.

Much Love


Gombojav Tribe said...

Good question, Debbie! But we'd like to hear YOU answer it! ;-)

Debbie said...

HI Daja...Most days I try to keep it to two hours. I have been so busy lately with other things, that I don't have time during the day even when the kids are at school. I make take sneak a peek in the morning to make sure my BATW post gets published and to comment on the spotlighted bloggers posts. But, I do most of my blogging in the evening after the kids are asleep. However, I start getting really tired and my eyes start going buggy after awhile so I have to stop. When I sit down to link bloggers for BATW, it will take me a couple of hours because I only do it once a week. I try to spread that out over the weekends. I do get Fridays from 11:30am- 2:30pm to do my GUILT free blogging while up at school sitting in the lobby buzzing people in. When I first started Blog Around the World, I was spending 4 hours or so at a time getting that started. Now that I have that under control it is more manageable. It's getting back to everyone that comments here that has sadly taken a back seat lately. I feel badly about that as you all are my bread and butter. But I could spend 8 hours a day doing that. That wouldn't be good. No sir.

Mrs. Jones said...

I voted 1-2 hours, but I actually blog less than that. I spent waaaayyy too much time blogging last year, and had to cut back a lot. I hate it, because I love commenting on blogs, but I have too many other things to do!!


Lula! said...

I don't mind being honest...2-3 hours is average. Monday through Friday...I take the weekends off, for the most part. Unless it's like tonight, when I have an hour or so to put off doing more laundry!

Caroline said...

My answer several months ago would be more like 3-4 hours a day, but now its probably 1-2, depending on whether or not I am writing a post which always takes longer. I don't get around to SITS as much as I would like or to BATW, but its all a part of restructuring the priorities in my life and was more than needed.

Are you still trying to avoid writing posts by asking us questions?

I totally love you and I actually tried to think of some good questions tonight to post about instead of making one up on the fly.

The Me/ The Wife/ The Mom said...

Define blogging? Is it the art of writing or reading? Reading, I'd guesstimate ummm...over the course of a day....1-2 hours...more or less (more more more). Writing...well...that's another story. I'm new to the blogging world... I start a post late in the evening and may finish it three days later. Will my blogging rights be revoked for that confession?

Kori said...

I'm a come and goer kind of gal. I look a few minutes leave a comment then come back later to check on someone else.

just thought I would also mention that I did end up back at the hospital. Check out the current post.

Anonymous said...

I usually do about 3 to 4. We have two laptops. My girls each use one to do their school work... we homeschool with a DVD program... I blog for about an hour/half in the morning before school starts up and about hour/or two at night after everyone's needs are met and they are all in bed. :)

I Love Purple More Than You said...

How long? TOO Long! (though I voted in your poll) I just realized I'm subscribed to EIGHTY-NINE blogs in my reader. That's insane! What am I thinking?!! I need to pare down. (not with yours though!)

Keeper of the Skies Wife said...

It really depends on if I have to work or not.

katylinvw said...

way too much! it's like crack! :)

Michelle said...

I'm in the 1-2 hours daily group. Total, I spend that much time visiting all my faves, commenters and writing my daily post. However, I give my blog the cold shoulder on weekends.

I love your questions! (and your answers!)

Melissa said...

I don't blog myself anymore, but I'm still reading everyone elses. Probabaly less than one hour.

Sarah Mae said...

Hi Debbie! I'm so sorry I've been away so long - I miss you making me laugh! By the way, how cool that Penn State is #3?! WOO HOO! :)

Gina said...

I lean more to the 2 hour side of 1-2 hours. One hour to read and comment, 20 minutes to post, and 40 minutes to upload,edit, and wait for blogger to publish my pictures.

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Oh good...I can see it now! I spend a lot of time on the computer. Mostly staring at it hoping that I will have an epiphany and know what to write about...

Julie said...

Because I am reading Twilight... I am not reading or blogging much and I have over 80 messages in my google reader that people have posted... I am in trouble... i am trying to get through them now so I can keep reading Twilight...

Anonymous said...

I have two blogs that I keep up and am seriously considering started a 3d one. Quite the addiction lol.

Anonymous said...

I have my crazy-blogg-obsessed days where I read blogs, comment on blogs, and ever post on my own blogs a few times. And then there are my lazy-sucky-blogger days. I'd go with "reasonably addicted" to blogging.

Kathi Roach said...

If you'd asked me that question this Summer I'd have to have said 3-4 hours a day. This Fall I went back to subbing and I took another part time most days I'm working while my kiddos are at school.

I read Melissa's last post on her blog titled 'I'm Free' and it was VERY convicting to me. (I saw that she actually commented on this post....thank you Melissa.)

The whole blogging / facebook thing had definitely turned into a stronghold for me. Around the same time I read the verse Psalm 27:1 that says "The Lord is my stronghold." Wow, I thought...I sure can't say that anymore...maybe a year ago I could've, but not now.

So, I made the decision to cut back on the blogging...I'm only reading a few favs and posting approx 2 times a week. It has been amazingly freeing.

Karin @ 6ByHisDesign said...

well, I blog mostly after the kids go to bed. although, I posted a funny (now) story today while the kids played outside, so tonite when my daughter came out to grab a drink of water she said, "you're always on the computer." hmmm. I don't think that's true, but I may have to start timing myself to see if my answer was accurate.

Vicki said...

Amazingly I've gotten it down to less than 2 hours. During the summer...up to about two weeks ago, it was hours a day. I've reprioritized though, let some things go, and stopped stressing about it...

Michelle said...

I'm going to amend my answer. After thinking about it some more, it's about three hours I spend on the computer *total* but that includes email, helping my wee ones with Webkinz, blogging, etc etc. I'm going down to 1-2 hours :)

Ruby Red Slippers said...

I will only blog at night when babies are sleeping! I don't have time in the day...speaking of that, it's bedtime-No more blogging tonight, tomorrow is a busy day.

Aubrey said...

Probably around the 2-3 hour mark. My toddler naps for a good 3 1/2 hours though! Thankfully.

Jennifer P. said...

Since I have no husband to want any of my time, I have pretty much the whole 10pm-2am block to blog till my eyes burn and my fingers can't move any more! I peek off and on during the day if I'm using my computer for homework, but don't usually let myself sit down and get started till late night.

So--yes--I blog too much and I'll probably keep doing it till something better comes along :)!

Unknown said...

With me it really sepends on what I'm doing that day. Some days I have more time than others...

Melissa B. said...

I try to blog every day, but sometimes life gets in the way! BTW, I linked to you here and at BATW in the SITS Blogathon today. Come on by and check it out!

Anonymous said...

I linked up to you for SITS today. Where you at, girl? Where's your post about SITS? Don't act like you have a life!!!

Anonymous said...

I wish I had to time to post daily...I just don't get the time to working full time and taking care of my family. A couple of hours every week would be an honest estimate.

Anonymous said...

Um. I think I'll plead the 5th on this one . . . no need to incriminate myself.

Thanks for letting me do a post on BATW - it was great fun!

Diane said...

The days I post result in probably 1-2 hours of blogging. When I post, I try to check in on all blogs I am following. I spend far more time reading other blogs than posting on my own. I also belong to Yahoo groups so I am constantly checking out new blogs there also.
I've met soooo many wonderful people!

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