Thursday, July 24, 2008

Quirky? Not moi.

A couple of weeks ago, Swirl Girl tagged me for a meme requesting that I reveal 6 random quirks about myself. At least I think that's what it was. Quirky? I'm not quirky. So I iron all our clothes. What's it to ya? For this one, I decided to ask my husband to list some of my quirks, with my approval of course. This is how it went down:

The Man walks in the door after work.

Me: Hi Honey. How was your day? Good? That's great. I need you to help me out with something.

The Man: What's that?

Me: One of my bloggy friends has asked me to list 6 quirky things about myself, and I want you to list them.

The Man: Hi Honey. How was YOUR day. Fine? Ok, let's see. Well the first thing has to be that you leave cabinets and drawers open all the time....he says as he walks through the kitchen closing the cabinets and doors that I left open while making dinner or cleaning up.

Me: It's genetic. I swear. My Mom and sister do the exact same thing. I don't know why. All three of us get stuff out of the cabinets and drawers and just walk away. I eventually come back to close it. It just takes awhile. There are days that I make sure I have closed everything before you walk in the door. Honestly.

The Man: Rolling his eyes. Must not be very often because I do it everyday. Ummm, what else? about "Everything has to blow up until it gets clean."

Me: Oh that's a good one. It's true. In order for me to properly do a deep clean, I have to dismantle everything making a huge mess so that I can sort, purge, clean and put it back together. Thus it explodes before it gets clean. I think that's anti-Flylady because it takes longer than a timer would allow...ya know like days. What else?

The Man: Three words. "The Burn Process"

Me: Oh yeah. Tee hee. Gotta explain this one to ya. I am a fanatic about taking a shower after traveling on a plane or train or any other mode of public transportation really. When we first got married and my husband would arrive home from the airport after a trip, I told him he couldn't get into bed until he showered. It was received with groans at first, but after several months of the "you-better-take-a-shower-before-you-get-in- this-bed-look, he started doing it without me nagging asking him. He finally caught on to the goodness that is getting all those public germies off his body. Told ya, quirky. And oh so much happier (and cleaner) though. After all ladies, when mama's happy, everybody's happy. What's next?

The Man: What about cleaning and vacuuming the whole house before we leave for vacation? That's quirky.

Me: That's not quirky. That's smart! I like to come home from vacation to a tidy, freshly vacuumed house. What else ya got?

The Man: The whole painting and re-painting things.

Me: A woman's got a right to change her mind and her paint colors. It's just paint.

The Man: Not when it looked fine the way it was.

Me: You don't get it. Next?

The Man: Since we've been married, have you ever stayed awake for a movie we've watched?

Me: Probably not. I don't know what it is, but everytime I sit down to watch a movie, I fall asleep and never finish it. I did that recently with "About a Boy" and one of the Bourne movies. Yup, saw them both through through the ole eyelids.

The Man: Is that it?

Me: I think so. You still love me though right?

The Man: Always.

There you have it ladies. My quirks. I'm supposed to tag 6 other people. But since I never know who to choose, will you tell me one of your quirks?

post signature


Stephanie said...

I'll start...I never put my shoes away! we have huge shelving in the garage specifically for everyone shoes...except mine. even my husband will say (when he comes across stray shoes in the house belonging to the kids)..."put these shoes away! don't you know that only MOMMY is allowed to leaver her shoes lying around??"...I love that man!

Unknown said...

I think you are just plain normal...

Kathi Roach said...

I also clean and vacuum the whole house before vacation. Love your response....that's not quirky...that's smart! I totally agree, sister! about I'm totally addicted to reading blogs??? There are certain ones that I have to check each day. I'm actually excited to see if there's a new post waiting when I wake up.

Unknown said...

Leaving cabinet drawers and doors open, would also be one of mine.

Walking around with my nose in a book is probably another one. I've been known to iron, cook and do other things while reading a book that I'm really into.

Hanging washing on the line and matching pegs to the colour of whatever I'm hanging out and also having lines of the same colour pegs.

Connie said...

Your "QUIRKS" just cracked me up...we share a lot of similar quirks. (except the leaving the cubboards and drawers open one... My major pet peeves is when my husband or kids leave the cupboards, drawers, or closet doors open.

Amy said...

I am the same way when it comes to movies. I have been known to fall asleep even during the most interesting of movies and I've even dozed off in the theater. Sad.

Lauren W said...

It drives me crazy to see a clock that is set wrong, or for two clocks in the same room to show a different time.
When the hubby and I were test driving cars, I changed the clocks in each car to reflect day-light savings time (they were an hour off!).

Laura Marchant said...

Oh I have to think about this and probably ask the hub too!

thotlady said...

This is funny. One of my quirks is that I have to 'shut' doors, drawers, closets, etc. If I am in a room and one is ajar or open I have to close it before I can continue a conversation or anything else I am doing. Just the opposite of your quirk.

Too funny!

Another quirk, when I or my husband kills those pesky spiders in the house, I need to see the smashed spider guts to make sure it is really dead.

One time when I was young, my sister was killing a spider in our bedroom, with a broom...omG. She schwooshed at the spider in the corner, looked up at the corner and said..."there, it's gone". And I said "yeah, but who knows where the heck it is now".

Totally freaked me out wondering where she schwooshed (is that a word?) it to. Have to see the guts. HAVE TO!

Caroline said...

I used to be bad about leaving cabinets open until Mr. Baseball broke me of it. I feel he has some obsessive compulsive tendencies and i joke him about them. That should be a post, but in a loving way. One of my quirks is that I leave cups everywhere. Kind of like the little girl on Signs, only without all the aliens and aluminum foil hats.

Skeller said...

this post was HILARIOUS!!!! Your husband's a good sport to participate ;-) Tho, vacuuming before you walk out the door on vacation??? That's totally NOT quirky. ;-D
Here's my post from way back when about my quirks...

EEEEMommy said...

This was an adorable post. My husband wouldn't have been so honest, he calls questions like these "male trap questions" and refuses to answer. LOL

I have a hard time remembering to shut cabinet doors too, and I'm the same with the exploding it's clean game. I wish I could get my house clean before we leave it! My husband would LOVE that!!!

I'm drawing a blank at my numerous other quirks at this moment though...

katylinvw said...

lol! if my hubby reads this post he will think that i wrote it! i'm terrible about the drawers and cabinet doors - he always follows me around and closes what i open! my mom (or dad, i can't remember at the moment) taught me the clean the house before vacation thing, too! (only their reasoning was if you die while on vacation, no one else has to see what a mess you left, kind of morbid, but motivating, lol!)

MB said...

As I type my response, there are currently 2 kitchen cabinets as well as the microwave door open. And I concur that it's genetic, because if I can channel my mother's kitchen, it's sure to have at lest 2 cabinets open.

One of my sillies quirks is that light switches which have 2 different ones that control the same light (you know, top of the stairs, bottom of the stairs), have to be in the off position. I hate it when there's a triple set of switches and they are opposite. I actually had my husband install a dimmer on one, so that the other once could be in the off position at the proper time. It's probably not making sense, but lights on, switch up. Lights off, switch down. Otherwise, dimmer.

MB said...

my other quirk is when I make a bazillion typos in a blog response. Yup, I hate typos. I should proofread. Really.

Jenni said...

I love this post. I should ask my husband what HE thinks mine are. His would be the cabinet thing. I close behind him. I always clean before going on vacation--both for the lovely coming home affect and the I might die and people will think I am so clean affect.

I have to finish a movie. My husband is famous for staring one and then saying "Let's finish it tomorrow." I must finish it in one sitting.

I am sure I have others, but I kinda want to see what Rob says. It is really more fun and accurate that way.

Unknown said...

Wow - I can't believe the number of people that leave cabinets and drawers open. Maybe my sweetie isn't so quirky or I'm quirky for wanting them closed :-)

It drives me crazy when people leave the gym locker doors open when they leave. I go through and close the locker doors as I leave. Habit or quirky?

The Man

Saving The Day said...

Oddly enough, I found very few of those quirks "quirky"! lol Must be because I have similar quirks! Yeah. Makes sense. Or maybe it's a girl thing. But I totally get it.

I never understood how STBX could "clean the house" so quickly! I mean, all he does is wipe things down and put things away. I, on the other hand, make a huge disaster when I clean because like you mentioned, it is part of the cleaning process. Otherwise, is it really "clean"?? Granted, his way is faster ... but again, is it really clean?! ; )

Trooper Thorn said...

He's a brave man to answer such a question.

Unknown said...

I have over come mine, but when Essie was little I could NOT sleep with my back to her... even in a separate room, I couldn't sleep if my back was facing her room.

Mr. B leaves cabinet doors open - we're working on that.

Gramma 2 Many said...

I pull my fridge and stove out every week to clean under and around them.
Bet you didn't know that Gina and Tricia.

Trish said...

I HATE velcro. seriously.

I have never bought velcro shoes for my kids. I hate them.

I hate the sound that velcro makes as it tears apart.

Cooper once had a pair of pants that had velcor instead of a snap or button......I got rid of them.

Ben once had a pair of swim shorts that had velcro.....I got rid of them too. Besides, what eight year old boy needs the risk of his little package falling out if he forgets to close the velcro flap. I guess I'm all about flapless swim trucks. But I still hate velcro.

There, is that a quirk?

I probably have a lot more, I just don't think of them as quirks. I think I'll send my husband over to see what he'd list as my quirks.

Trish said...

my mom just snuck in above me with a comment about her quirk, and since you love our dialog, here goes........

Yes mom, i am not suprised that you pull out the fridge and stove to clean behind and around them. Your house is usually spotless and maybe someday mine will be too.

Love ya,

Emily said...

You are not at all weird. I loved this post. Q&A stuff cracks me up!

Do you love my blogicon? Or whatever it's called. I think it's really called a favicon. I found a site that will do it for free, no downloads or unziping stuff or anything... so I tried it, and it worked! (I love it when that happens.)

I am STILL laughing over Trishs velcro comments. That is so funny.

Julie H said...

Hm I don't know what my things are. I'd have to ask DH. Hopefully that wouldn't start a fight lol.

Lula! said...

Darn you! Swirl Girl tagged me for this one, too, and I'm so quirky that I could never come up with just 6, so I told her to give me a while to think on it. And you've beaten me to to the, post.

I'm still working on mine. Maybe I'll ask my husband to reveal what he finds quirky about me. I'll be sure to ask him while we're in the CLOSET! Ha...

Melissa said...

My quirk is definitely that I hate the sound of dripping water. It just does something to me internally.
I'm a cabinet-leaver-opener, too....
I also don't put things back where they belong. It drives my husband crazy. Oh well, I say. Love all of me....I think that was part of our vows.

Tam said...

I am perfect I do not have any LOL LOL Well the truth is....I ain't sharing any of lol lol

Anonymous said...

I have way too many to list... Susie h~

Lee Ann said...

I think those are all very "normal". I think I do every one of them....except leave the doors and drawers open. :-)

Swirl Girl said...

If I gave my Hubby the opportunity to list my quirks....I would never have to type my own posts again. He could have come up with a quirk a day for every day of the 14 years we've been together. We'd change the name from Swirl Girl's Pearls to Swirl Girl Unfurled....

then, what would I do?

thanks for playing along!

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

I got tagged for this too. And also asked my husband about my quirks. And after he told me. I just decided that I wasn't quirky at all. Nope, not at all. All the things that he listed - well, they aren't quirks. They're just preferences. Or the right way to do things. Right?

Anonymous said...

hey there my friend. thanks for finding me again. I admit that I disappeared for a bit - but I appreciate you hunting me down. I caught up on all your blogs and left some comments - but figured that the 15 or so i had missed didn't all need a comment. Anyway - except for the first one (i am fanatical about closing doors) this read like a me list. you should see my bedroom right now for the purge. everything is laying on the floor and the closet is completely empty. must be done so i feel better when it is all clean (that should be in about 10 weeks)AND there is nothing, i mean absolutely nothing better than coming home from vacation to a clean house. I actually take the day off before my vacation to clean. not pack, clean. it makes such a pleasant experience! and a man will never understand the need to freshen up a paint job just like they won't understand the whole i would rather sleep on the couch with you watching a movie than sleep alone in the bed while you watch a movie on the couch. just the way it goes, i guess!

Elena said...

I love that you had your hubby do this with you. Maybe I'll convince mine to do the same for me. And I think your "quirks" are quite normal. :)

Jen said...

Hey, thanks for stopping by. I remember when you were the featured blogger of the day on SITS. Liked you then and I like you now.
I am sorry but I have to agree with you DH. I can't stand it when cupboard doors/drawers are left open. My sister does this and it drives me crazy.
As for my quarks, if I have to pick one it would be that I have a certain way that I like to light switches to be in our house. See we have multiple switches for the same light and I like some to be up and some down. I have no idea why and its kinda silly if you think about it but I guess quarks are. :)

Stephanie said...

ok I just had to ask my husband about my quirks...and, as expected, the first thing he said was..."well what are mine?". I did tell him his, after he gave me a few, but he actually had to work pretty hard to come up with these and considers most of this stuff habits and not quirks...because "you are definitely not quirky babe!"...told you I love that man!

I chew ice

I second guess ALL of my decorating choices!

I have to use a dinner fork for meals and a dessert fork for dessert...never the other way around!

I like to have the bath towels folded a certain way

I fall asleep during movies at home

the pillows on the bed have to be in a certain place and a certain direction

his are...
peeling ALL of the cucumber skins off (I do it in stripes)

piles all the dirty dishes in the sink, only to take them all out again to rinse them and THEN put them in the dishwasher!

he drives in the fast land even when there's no one else around him

this one is really weird, because he is super conscious of manners and stuff like that, but he is the only person I know who make NOISE when he eats ice cream!

because he's from New York, he has some quirky "waiting ON line"...hey! where is that line??? I need to stand on it!
and the kids are "OVER a friend's house"...good thing they're not afraid of heights!

I STILL love him!

Melissa said...

It's funny that you say that(comment on my blog), because I have seen your comments on others blogs for quite some time, but for some reason today, I decided to come over and check out your page. Isn't God so awesome like that? I know I remember seeing your blog when you were featured on SITS, but I can't remember if I actually left comments.
I swear, one of these days we are going to have to plan a SITS retreat and have everyone get together. Can you imagine how crazy that would be?

Heathahlee said...

Eek! How have I missed to many posts? Just wanted you to know I'm still here! I'll comment for real later! : )

This Mom said...

Cleaning the house before you go on vacation isn't quirky it is smart. I have to have the toilet paper coming over the top. I have been know the change a roll to be the right way even when itisn't my house. it makes me that crazy.

Rene said...

I have a bunch of quirks (my co-workers call them obsessive-compulsive behaviors) is that I can't walk by any wall protrusion without running my fingers along the top and wiping any dust off. The biggest one at work are the fire extinguisher boxes that hang on the walls. They are right at arm level and just drive me crazy! I think I need professional help!

Anonymous said...

That was great!

Um, lets see...I have no quirks! Well, I can't stand my sheets and covers tucked in the feet must be free. Oh, and I have to sleep with a fan on at night...I need the noise. I can't fall asleep with tv noise on though....

But, really, I don't have any quirks! :)

Rhea said...

I love your quirks. Except for the falling asleep during movie thing, I sense a common, cleaning and more cleaning. lol

Michelle said...

Too cute. I'm not one for memes, but I like the quirks your husband listed. Some of them are quirks. But I totally get the blowing things up to clean them. Maybe not faster, but definitely more effective.

And my quirk. I'll just give you one, as I have a few. Ummm. I can't have anyone talk to me once I've turned off the light for bed.

Piggy said...

Your blogs seem to always speak to what's going on lately with me. This one relates to an e-mail I got this week from a friend who started a professional organization business. I had heard about that field before and it interested me because while some people call my meticulous ways OCD, I like to consider it professional organization. I organize the usual stuff like closets and pantries at home and information in spreadsheets and pivot tables at work, but I also take it a bit further. I organize the bills in my wallet first my denomination and then by crispiness. Of course, they all have to face the same direction too. I also eat my food in particular ways. Sometimes I finish one type of food on my plate at a time. Other times, I rotate between everything on my plate, so that I finish everything at the same time. I also make sure that I keep my food in neat piles. It doesn't drive me crazy anymore to break the order because I've learned that I can't be a perfectionist while trying to balance a job and family, but maintaining order is good practice for me in training my brain to instinctively be organized.

Anonymous said...

Hilarious!! I have to clean the house, too, before leaving for vacation. Seriously, I think it's a disease. I can't think of six things off hand, but I will say I hate man nipples... you know, that you can see through their shirts... eek! It drives me crazy!

Karin @ 6ByHisDesign said...

Wow - Lotsa quirkies out there.

Had to ask hubby. His response?
When you swear up and down that you're buying your last coffee drink of the week and then the next morning you go right out and buy another one.

I don't think that's the definition of quirky. I think that's addiction. (that's me saying that)

Oh, and I can leave the cabinet doors open because I can walk under them without a problem. Hubby turns the corner in the kitchen and ...

This Mom said...

I like your quirks. By the way I have a gift for you over at my place.

Jennifer P. said...

Your quirks are fun--except the cabinet/drawer thing, that would drive me crazy--I'm a closer :)!

My quirk? All the clothes in my closet are arranged according to color, material, and sleeve length. And all facing the same direction. And I like it if the hanger matches or compliments the color of whatever is hanging on it. Is that "quirky" or "disturbing"?

I had to laugh at Jenn's reason for cleaning---that's mine too! I'd hate to die and have them find me in a messy house :)!

Rosemary Q said...

Hmm...I like sleeping in a really dark room. If it's too light I wear a sleep mask.

When I go to a hotel I rip the bedspread off and throw it in a drawer.

I have to wash my face and brush my teeth no matter what every night and put on Kiehls lip balm.

I have to read before I go to sleep or I can't sleep.

Those are just a couple of my quirky quirks.:-)

Jen - Balancing Beauty and Bedlam said... first visit here and I am loving it. I had to come when I read your profile and saw that you are just loving your life...what a great God we have.:) When people ask me what my dream is, I tell them...I am living it - just like you. We are blessed. Too much brain power to think of quirks. I am not quirky, just have some bad

Unknown said...

Steph...I chew ice too...and I'm possesive about it. Don't steal my 'saved''s best after it sits at the bottom of the cup for a while. When someone throws it down the drain...I could cry.

I also LOVE to peel labels off of appliances are the best. I have also been known to be within arms reach of a shampoo bottle whilst sitting down in a friends/family members toilet and peeling the label off (can't resist) and having to apologize because they can now not tell which is shampoo and which is conditioner...I HATE the labels that don't come off nicely.

I also stack creamers in the little bowl of creamers at truck stop style know you all do it too!

Gina said...

The movie thing? If I'm at a theater, drive in or someone else's house I will stay awake. If I am on my own couch? I'm out! In fact, with all the craziness that is my house lately, I hand the kids a movie and tell them to go lay down. Hey, it works.
Quirks? I'll have to think about this and get back to you.

Gina said...

One day my eldest figured out that Gramma spend so much time cleaning because she has no outside interests. We had a good laugh over that.
Mom, your house is clean, and nice to be in, but after reading that bit about the stove and fridge I think I'm going to sign you up for classes and activities at the senior center. Really, you need some outside interests.

Gramma 2 Many said...

G. Last time I b-sat at your house, I pulled your fridge out and cleaned under it too. Can't help it. What if I die and you come to go through things and it is dirty under my fridge and stove?
Don't want to go the Sr. Center. Only OLD people go there, you know like my mother.

Melissa said...

Hey girlfreeeeend,
So glad you stopped by today. I was so encouraged to share with you yesterday! Thanks for your transparency. That's what separates the good from the great!
My favorite phrase is "Just be real!" I'm loving this and my heading is spinning. It's a little overwhelming, but worth it.

Anonymous said...

You ask as though you thought I'd have a quirk.

Well, I guess I do. Hubby get so frustrated because I NEVER close the lid to my contact solution. Well, I take that back. I do close it if it has been open all day and he comes into the bathroom while I'm in there. I close it real quick like I'm some little kid trying to pull a fast one over on dad.

Is that a quirk?? -- Brandi

Carolina Mama said...

These are funny. I love the movie one. I can relate. :)

Frizzy said...

Oh my goodness! I am soooo with you on cleaning the whole house before I leave. It drives my husband crazy. I also pick up hotel rooms and make the beds before I leave so I know if anyone has been there while we were out. I have this thing about remembering exactly where things were and how they were positioned. I can tell if something is out of place in an instant. I must have got this trait from my father as he is the same way. I like the term quirky as my husband calls it being Anal. I don't mind being called Anal either but quirky sounds like more fun. Thanks for sharing this. It was fun. BTW, I love your layout!

Tiffany said...

Quirks? Hmmmmm... when I am reading I can't hear anyone. I get so lost in books that my husband and son have to really get in my face to get my attention.

I don't like chocolate ice cream. Growing up, everyone always made me feel like this was a quirk...

I have a blog. Most people think that is insane.

Heathahlee said...

I'm so late on this one, but I have to say that I like to have the house clean and the sheets fresh before we leave, too.

Now, about mine, um, let's see...I like to have the same three towels hanging in the bathroom. The three of us each have our own towel, and I HATE for them to not be the correct ones. Like, mine is the tan one, Kiddo's is the shark one, and Husband's is the striped one. It drives me nuts to have a burgundy one in place of the striped one (like it is right now!)or whatever. Is that quirky? I really don't know because I think all I ever do is quirky!

Megan B ♥ said...

Let's just say that your whole post sounded freakishly familiar... that leaving the cupboards and drawers open thing makes my husband nutty!

Megan B ♥ said...

Let's just say that your whole post sounded freakishly familiar... that leaving the cupboards and drawers open thing makes my husband nutty!