Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Hangover

OOOOOHHHHH my eyes are burning. The place is a mess. There are so many dishes to do. And, someone ran off with my artichoke dip. But, all I can say is that the party was a blast. The last guest stayed until the wee hours of the morning. And, who was that hanging from the chandelier? Thanks for all the "gifts" you left. I wasn't really able to mingle with my guests until last night because I was actually being a Mom yesterday. But, when I walked in the door at 7 pm last night, my husband told me that I had hit over 100 comments on one of my posts. Whoa. Whose blog hit over a 100 comments? So what does any good mother do? Gets her kids bathed and in bed lickety-split while the sun is still shining brightly through the blinds in their room so she can get a fix, if you know what I mean. I didn't even get a glass of wine, and I was already up to my eye balls in diet coke with lemon for the day, so I just sat down and read through every single comment and laughed alot. Oh my word, the crazy solicitor stories you all had were great. Also, I was gleeful in knowing that some of you are headed to the "Name Cemetery" with me. I still think I have the biggest headstone, though. For all of you with the "pretty and popular names," can you at least pretend to like the rest of us and come visit when you are done with cheerleading practice? Oh , oh, and I love how all of you tried to make me feel better about my ditzy moments by telling me it was really because us Mom's left all our brain cells in the labor and delivery room. How great is it that we can make each other feel better by blaming the ones who actually gave us the name, "Mom."

What got me a little choked up was all the really, truly nice compliments both here and over on the SITS site. It was truly humbling. And from where I sit, all my new laptop friends are funny, intelligent gals. My kind of gals. The kind of gals I like to hang out with. So, I hope you didn't just stop by for a free meal, a glass of wine and a couple of laughs. Wait, I feel a song coming know the one...Troy and Vanessa...High School Musical..."This could be the start of something new, feels so right to be here with you... yeah yeah yeah...blah blah blah...

Now what? Sigh. Today is really like the day after Christmas...the let down from all the excitement and back to reality. However, my life as a blogger is complete. I can only hope to see that kind of traffic again someday. Until then, I have lots of blogs to check out so that I can hand deliver my "thank you" notes. It may take me awhile, but rest assured, I will visit each and every one of you that came to my party yesterday and left a gift.

Oh, and one last thing, I think one of you left something behind. I found it in the powder room.

That's one "gift" I wish the rightful owner had kept for herself.

post signature


EEEEMommy said...

You're a riot! :) Thanks for making me smile this morning! :)

Anonymous said...

hehehee, congratulations!

Anonymous said...

You are a really good writer. I love all your imaginative party talk. I feel like you are talking to me. :)

Nurse your hangover with a little bit of rum in that diet Coke with lemon. Oh, and did you hear the report that Diet pop (yes, I'm from that part of the world that says POP) causes forgetfulness? The chemicals aren't good for us. That's probably why we moms leave the cheese-its in the fridge. :)

Trish said...

Oh my, did I forget those there? I am so sorry.

Really girl, you crack me up. Thanks for the par-tay! You really know how to throw a good one.

Hope you recover soon!

Unknown said...

OH my WORD how does one explain busting out in laughter in the middle of a quiet little office???

Who would have the NERVE to steal an artichoke dip? I mean... just because it was in a bread bowl and therefore the entire thing was edible and thereby untraceable... that's no invitation to steal it. Tsk tsk tsk... the nerve of some people.

Rosemary Q said...

Any leftovers?

Anonymous said...

You have a gift and uplift me every time I visit!!

Sarah Mae said...

Debbie, my PSU kindred spirit, you are so much fun and I only wish I knew you in person.

Keys to the Magic Travel said...

Debbie, you are such a gracious hostess! It was fun re-visiting your favorite posts - and I always know you'll have some new antic to share everytime I visit.

Tracy P. said...

I ran to check, but then I saw that they were Trish's. Thank goodness! That coulda been embaraskin.

katylinvw said...

it was a great party! thanks for hosting! we'll have to do it again sometime :) - glad you had a great SITS day :)

This Mom said...

THanks for having a party. As a mom I can ALWAYS use more girl friend time. Your are a joy to read and I will be stopping by regularly.

Swirl Girl said...

what? you had a party and didn't invite Swirl Girl? That IS what I am all about you know.

Next time I'll fly in for it.

I usually leave a used kleenex next to my empty wine glass, not my teeth. How thoughtless!

Kat said...

Wow! 100 comments. I can only imagine...

Sorry everyone left such a mess. We should all come back and help clean up!

Rene said...

Those look eerily like my teeth! I wonder whose teeth are in my mouth right now -- oooo. . . .ick. . .yuck. . .sputter. . . .patooey!!

Heather said...

Oh my stars, that was funny stuff. I know who was hanging from the chandelier, but I'll never tell. Tee hee hee.

Rhea said...

You are hilarious. Oh, and the panties you find in the pool? Those are mine. Don't ask.

Amy said...

I love your blog and really enjoy it, now I can add you to my subscriptions and 'visit' you everyday. Thanks for having us!

Missy said...

If you "lived" closer I'd invite you to come over to our pool and hang out w/ the kids so we could gossip about everything that happened the night before and eat leftovers for breakfast and watch daytime tv! (:

Anonymous said...

LOL...ewwwww I ain't claimin' those!!!!

Lula! said...

Is it safe to come out? I've been hiding in your closet all this time, waiting for everyone to leave so we could really visit. Come get me and we'll eat random leftovers and listen to good tunes on vinyl...

Angie's Spot said...

Hi Debbie! I'm a day late visiting from SITS, but I'm looking forward to checking out your blogging brilliance. Congrats on being the featured blogger and enjoying your day in the sun! :-)

Kelly said...

DagNabbit wheres my teef!!!!


Oh wait here they are! hee hee!


Tiffany said...

Wow. Now that was some party. Someone left their teeth....that is a sign of a real rager!

I knew you would make it your mission to leave everyone a comment. That's why you are Debbie.

I am missing a shoe, any ideas?

Kathi said...

Those were mine! I'll come by sometime today. I'm also missing a diamond bracelet. Have you seen it? That was some party. Kathi

Kathi said...

Oh and congratulations Debbie!!

Ginny said...

Glad you had a great time. I haven't had a hangover in SO long, lol.

Teri said...

Hi Debbie, I've been a little pre-occupied at the beach this week. I missed all the excitement, but I'll be back in the swing next week. Can't wait to read everything I missed. Oh, and a big congrats on all the comments. Cool!!!

Jennifer P. said...

I was the one running around with the lampshade on my head. So embarassing ;)!

And you have to admit that it probably feels good to come back to "reality". Can you IMAGINE having over 100 comments you felt the need to respond to every day? Having everyone know you and you not knowing them? That might be a little weird after a while. I guess that's what celebrities live for, but I prefer a nice two-way friendship. I think you probably do too.....

Unknown said...

*Feels* ... phewwwww, those aren't my teeth!!

You are definitely the Hostess With The Mostess ... :-)

Shanan Strange said...

Wow! What a paaarrrtttttyyyy... See, we all agree.. you are an amazing person with an amazing blog! We can't wait to read what happens next. :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats to you!! ~Jill :)

Michelle said...

Too cute! I love the extra leftover. Glad you enjoyed your feature, and I'm sticking around! :)

Melissa Lester said...

Oh, I feel so much more comfortable now that I'm leaving a comment in this more intimate group of friends. Wait, I'm at least the 34th comment, so I think your circle is growing every day! Congratulations, girl!