Monday, May 26, 2008

Mommy Blogging - " How I Got Started"

Hi. My name is Debbie, and I am proud to be a Mommy blogger. If you are reading this, you probably are too. I’d like to welcome you to my 400th post. Yes, that is 4-0-0. Four Hundred. Four-Zero-Zero, and if I knew any language other than slang English or could remember roman numerals, I would translate 400 into something more interesting. Alas, I don’t, so you are stuck with 4-0-0. So pedestrian, I know. Anyway, in preparing for my big 400th post, I knew I wanted to talk about the evolution of my blog and blogging in general, but it turned out to be 5 pages, single spaced in a Word Doc. Uh. Hmm. Not gonna work. You all can’t be that interested in me to stick around in one sitting for that nonsense.

But then it happened!

While dipping my feet into a vat of HOT WAX during a mani/pedi this morning, I had a brainstorm! I would break down my observations and thoughts on blogging into different topics that I know all of us think about or have thought about or don’t want to admit that we have thought about. Then while getting the hair ripped off my eyebrows, I realized the genius in my idea. If I do this as a series, I will have enough blog blather for a week! Oh clap, clap. I'm so smart. Then I realized that my eyebrows were burning and grabbed a mirror to make sure I didn’t look like the Joker.

Betcha didn’t know that I’d been blogging long enough to have 400 posts. Well, I do, and I have. Eons ago in blogger time, ya know way back in February, 2007, I started with a simple blogger template and a blog titled “Woven and Spun.” Today, I have a customized blog with a title that is the brain child of my daughter, and the whole thing looks and sounds nothing like it did 15 months ago. Here’s my story:

Prior to December 2006, “blog” had a negative connotation to me because the only knowledge I had of a blog was reading the uproarious stories in "The Washington Post" about a young woman who worked on Capitol Hill whose so called “blog’ became infamous for chronicling her (use your imagination) escapades with certain Hill staffers. Blogs eww ick. Blogs baaad. Blogs evil. Wait. Blog? What exactly is that? So I looked it up back then and learned that it’s the words web and log smooshed together to make weblog or blog as we know it today. (Can’t you imagine those tech boys dreaming this stuff up in their free time? Yeah, I make fun of them now. But the likes of Mr. Google and Mr. Ipod/Apple/Mac are laughing all the way to the bank driving their Ferrari’s, wearing their rolexes, and getting ready to jet off to the island they own in the jet they own.) Then I started reading my friend Courtney's blog which turned out to be an electronic journal of their lives and made for interesting reading. After about six weeks of reading her story, I had my light bulb moment, only this time hot wax was not involved. “Hey, I can do that! And what a great way to keep friends and family updated with pictures and stories of the kids.” So 15 seconds later I signed up on Blogger, and another 30 seconds later I was the proud owner of my own blog. All in under a minute? Really? Just like that? Yup, just like that. Gulp. Now what?

So, I titled my brand spanking new blog on a day I was particularly reflective and titled it “Woven and Spun” after my favorite Nichole Nordeman CD. I felt that title would be illustrative of our lives as it is so carefully “woven and spun” by our Heavenly Father. Then I did what all of you who blog probably did when you first started, I announced to my friends and family that I had set up this way cool website as a way to keep them current with the kids and our happenings including pics and stories. Yup, here's the URL, folks. All you have to do is click on it. Yippee! A built in audience! Seemed logical to reach out to them, after all, they were the intended audience. Right? Then something happened that I didn’t expect...

Meanwhile, how and when did you get started blogging?

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Keys to the Magic Travel said...

I started blogging to keep up with the Jones'...I mean the other homeschool moms. It was going to be our homeschool chronicle. That lasted about two posts and then it morphed into me, me, me :-) I'm looking forward to a week of your journey. This week I will have my 100th post...

Meagan said...

Congrats on 4-0-0! That is amazing to me. I just posted number 45, but have only been blogging just under five months. I'm still trying to get the hang of things. Mine is definitely still in the "update for family and friends" stage, but we'll see if it morphs into anything else. In the meantime, I love reading everyone else's stuff and you are one of my faves Debbie! Keep it up!

Lula! said...

Ah, 'tis the blessed blogging world that brought us together. And I can't leave out Captain and Tenille, of course. Oh, and God. Duh!

Congrats on your 400th post. I can't wait for 400 more!

I started this crazy ride back in January...5 months ago. I just posted #100 (because obviously I love to talk about myself) Like you, I started this for my family & close friends. Outside of my parents and sometimes my husband, NONE of my family read my blog. That is both sad, hilarious, and also rather telling, I do believe. Oh gals are much more interesting to this country gal anyway!

Kathi said...

I started blogging to make friends, encourage young mothers, be encouraged, share our life with relatives who don't live near us, and hopefully to glorify God. Congratulations Debbie,on post 400.

It's so cool to have found friends from all over the country, that I never expected to find. Also, to find out how loving and prayerful they are. It's wonderful! God bless you and I hope you keep blogging. Kathi

Darcy @ m3b said...

Quatrocento. That's italian, m'dear.

I started blogging in July 2005. More recently I started over at Blogger in March 2007.

But I sure am glad you are a bloggin' momma!

And I got your message about designing buttons for you. Email me, baby. I'll throw you on the end of my now *single digit!* queue and we'll whip you up a little sumpin' sumpin'.

Jennifer P. said...

400! Awesome! I have no idea how many posts i've done! But I started back in Sept. of 2007 after reading Elena's blog for about 6 months. She dared me. I thought no one but my family and a few friends would ever look at it--so I never bothered to come up with cute code names for my kids---just threw it all out there. And before I knew it--just like yours--it had become "more" than just a place to dump photos. It became a picture of an evolving me. A place to vent about stuff going on in my life and in the world in general. It has given me clarity on so many issues. And it just took on a life of its own. Yup--I'm a mommy blogger too ;) And proud of it!

Sissy said...

You are telling a story in installments and are going to drive me crazy, like Heather has been the last week!

I started cause I needed an outlet for my messy life. It is now not quite so messy, but I'm hooked.

Unknown said...

I started blogging for alot of reasons. I was lonely and would love to write as my profession. Those were my biggest reasons.

Happy 400!!! That's amazing, Debbie. And I must say the cliffhanger is delicious. Man-o-man I love a good story.

Julie said...

congrats on the 400! You know you and Courtney are the reason for me.. thanks!

Emily said...

Yay for 400! I think I am past 900, but sometimes I get a little carried away........

I love blogging, it's my artistic outlet in the evening when the boys are in bed. I just take an hour to myself and organize my thoughts for the day.

Piggy said...

400? No wonder the thought of how long you can keep blogging has crossed your mind! Congratulations! - Claudia :)

Gina said...

Patrumii. Romanian.
Quatro Cientos. Spanish
or-fay undred-hay. Pig Latin, Baby!
I started because Trish and I were having an IM conversation, and I told her about the funny artical I had written for the MOPs Newsletter. She had me e-mail it to her and before I knew it I had my own blog- and I didn't even have to do anything except keep posting.
I do it because it is fun and it fills a deep need in me to write. Well, that, and because I have the world's cutest kids- after yours of course.

Trish said...

Hello, My name is Tricia, and I am a mommy blogger........

Hi Trish...

My friend Eryn sent me a link to her blog that in turn had links to all these people that I knew and i realized that my life was a interesting as theirs (more so than some;-)). And I thought that maybe this would be a way to win the long desired favor of my parents, by posting pictures of my kids and stories of my life, but I'm pretty sure my parents NEVER look at my blog and I have also recently figured out that I need to quit seeking favor and approval from them.......
then I became addicted to blogging, it seemed to fill a void........
then I quit blogging. Well, I didn't really quit. You know how it all went. And now I'm back, and somehow I missed my 100th post, is it wrong to celebrate my 107th post?

Congratulations on your 400th post!! That is fun and fabulous. I love reading your blog. You are a witty and smart lady!! Thanks for the fun......looking forward to more of your "story".

Elena said...

I had to add up my posts just to see where I was at. I did post 564 today. (I'm updated btw. ;) ) Sheesh, it seems like just yesterday I started blogging, but I started in April of '06 after a friend got me interested in it. Now I blog more than her.

Unknown said...

Happy 400! Now there's a celebration worthy of the name 'Debbie' (ouch...that was terribly cruel...all in jest...I love the name Debbie)
March 3, 2006. That was my first day and pathetically I have only 150 posts to my name (deleted a few over time)
Looking forward to 400 more!

Unknown said...

My youth pastor who's also a good friend, told me blogging was like soap operas and was a way for people to live vicariously through other people's lives and not our own. He's a little confused on that front, isn't he?

My husband got me into blogging in the early summer of last year. And like you, I told my family about my blog, thinking they would love to read it to keep up with our family. But the built in audience I'd planned on didn't happen. Everyone said how neat it was, then no one proceeded to read it except my mom and occasionally my sister and my aunt. And I learned a valuable truth. Non-bloggers don't read blogs. LOL!

Be well, Sniz

Courtney said...

this is so fun! i love what you're doing this week on your blog!

why did i start? because i hate to scrapbook. and i wanted a place to journal all the things i don't want to forget. AND i communicate/process things much better in writing than in person - so it works for all of that!

EEEEMommy said...

Same as you. I had one friend who blogged and the more I read her blog, the more ideas I had for my own posts. I started at Xanga because that's where she was, but then discovered HSB and really started there. That was in February of 2006.

Tracy P. said...

Oh my goodness! I was going through the same basic thought process on May 19 in the midst of my Mid-Blog Crisis! But the thing that finally grabbed me and pulled me in was the fact that people you might have known for years tell you more about themselves in two posts then you knew all along. I'm so much better at real than small talk.

Amy said...

I began blogging as an escape. Just as my blog name says "escape to thought" so that I could come here and vent, share, be happy or mad, whatever my heart desires.
Like the title of one of the blogs I subscribe to says "Its Cheaper Than Therapy" :p

bloggin' Chrystal said...

I started blogging like many other mothers to document my children's life. Now...I'm addicted! Family rarely reads sad BUT
some friends do. My question is...How do I get all my heartfelt posts and pictures into a nice little book so that I'll have it to hand to my children one day? Isn't there an invention for this yet LOL! any suggestions???