Sunday, December 16, 2007

"oh yeah, we got him"

Well, we managed to finally catch one squirrel...they tend to be territorial so we think he is "ours." You are supposed to take them and zig zag at least 5-10 miles away in the dark so that they can't get back "home." Bob loaded him up yesterday and set him free about 5-6 miles away...He was trying to get out of the cage like crazy and scampered away when Bob opened the trap...we did hear a little activity in the attic this morning, but we do think there is at least two of them...good news is we got 'em...bad news is that they can find their way back "home"...oh joy...


Julie said...

Hi Debbie, wow...2 summers ago we had issues with mice in our flat. I caught 6 before Zach got back from our English camps... it was so gross...and at one point they were scampering across our kitchen cabinets looking at me... I was so shocked they were out in daylight looking at me, fearless. I guess the mice here are different. Boy was it a nightmare. We think the problem has been solved, we haven't had any problems since then. Boy is it annoying! I will pray he won't find his way "home."