Thursday, October 18, 2007


Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows. Luke 12:7

When I was young, I thought I was the ONLY one whose birthday was October 17. Over the years, I have met more people than I can count who share my birthday, some were even born on the same day and the same year. Several years ago I met a woman at church who was serving as the part time children's ministry director until they could find a full time replacement. I was part of the nursery committee which was a group that she oversaw as part of her responsibility. She was somebody that I admired for her great humor, candor, intelligence, and most importantly for her deep faith. She was two years older than I, but we shared the same birthday. I never told her how much I admired her and will never have the chance because she died a year ago from an extremely aggressive form of came on quickly and she died quickly. So yesterday, I was thinking alot about her and the children she left behind specifically the hole that is in their hearts on their Mom's birthday. Fortunately, they are left with many people who love them and with a church body at Reston Bible Church that is looking out for them. Having said that, I remember last year after I attended her funeral, having a conversation with Lindsey about death and burials etc. She asked about dying and going to heaven and what heaven will be like (I told her we could eat all we want and I will get endless back tickles :0) But what awed her the most is when she learned that she will get to meet Jesus, Paul, Abraham, Noah, Moses, Mary, Joseph, and her Heavenly Father. When that reality hit her, her eyes lit up like saucers...Bob and I asked her what she was thinking about...Her reply: "Finally!" We asked, "Finally what?" Then she said with astonishment, "I will finally get to ask God how many hairs are on my head!" Just when you aren't sure that the things you are teaching your kids are penetrating, they come up with something as thoughtful as that. For she remembered that verse in Luke about God loving her so much that the hairs on her head were numbered....and she can't wait to get to heaven to find out all about it. I told her that while I was glad she is excited, we would like her to stay here on earth for awhile longer...because we know the Lord has great plans for her.


Courtney said...

isn't it wonderful to get "into" their little brains??