Saturday, March 3, 2007

speed stacking

Practicing at home for the Cinderella jammies, of course.

Competing in the "Cycle"

Today, The Princess entered a speed stacking tournament. A hubba hubba what, you ask? You know, speed's all the rage for the tween set. Speed stacking involves stacking special cups in a specific order while being timed. She loves it, and The Prince has gotten in on the action, too. (It is taught in PE for agility and eye hand coordination.) She was very excited about competing, and was really focused on winning a medal or a trophy. Although her times are competitive, we warned her that she may not win anything. It registered with her as much as, well, it just didn't register. She competed, and posted some competitive times, but not enough to win. And so went the water works. Yikes! It was her first time experiencing disappointment and our first time parenting it. Fortunately, it turned into a teachable moment about practice, competition, and perserverance. After a yummy dinner out and a trip to Maggie Moo's for ice cream, she rebounded nicely and is determined to take on the little squirt that won everything in her age group :)...that's my girl!

Click the arrow below to see The Princess in action. You might need to wait a few seconds for it to buffer.


sefbob1 said...

I had to watch the video 3 times to figure out the sequence of stacking. I would like to see the kid that beat lidsey. I think he had 3 arms.

Anonymous said...

Hurrah for Lindsey! I can't believe how fast you are at speed stacking. Keep it up.

Love Grandma Kay

Courtney said...

that's amazing, Lindsay! you did GREAT!

Mrs. Cassada

Anonymous said...

Dear Lindsay,

I'm sorry you didn't win the speed stacking competition, but I think you did a fantastic job! I love your pictures, and I really loved seeing the video of you doing the speed stacking. I hope you win next year (if you do it again). I think you are very talented. Have a great day!

Your friend always,

Anonymous said...

Wow Lindsey,

We need you here in our house when I need to get cups set up for dinner. I am forever having someone hollering for a drink. I know you are stacking the cups for a competition, but I am confident that you could fill and pass them out just as quickly.

We love and miss you,

Aunt Heidi and your cousins(K-N-C-M-S-M)...or as Matthew would say "the guys"