I knew that would grab your attention. Now don't faint ladies. But, I HAVE to give these away.
Gasp! Why am I getting rid of these you ask? Well, because I have two sets of them. I read Twilight in paperback and then ordered the whole set in hardcover for myself. I planned on sending my copy of Twilight and a new copy of New Moon to my friend Julie in Hungary who is dying to know what the craze is all about. The second book New Moon, arrived on my doorstep Friday. Yes, just as Julie was being announced the winner of a contest Darcy was having. The prize? Yup, the. same. two. books. Dagnabit. She broke the news to me Saturday morning. I'm not bitter. No. Not at all. Her suggestion: "You should have a give-a-way." Yeah, that's a great idea. Except I hate contests. The pressure. What if someone wants to audit the results if let's say one of my neighbors wins so that all I have to do is walk the books down the street instead of spending my daughter's allowance to ship them somewhere else in the world? Not that that would happen or anything. Nope.
Ummm, I need to interrupt this broadcast to comment on the Emmy's for a minute. Does anyone else besides me think Oprah looks, ya know, a little plump again? Not that there is anything wrong with that...seeing as I can't fit into any of my jeans right now. Sigh. And I am blaming all of you.
Back to my story..er...contest...
Now because these books really are ALL that, and you all continue to come back and read my drivel, I want to give them to someone who hasn't experienced the phenomenon that is Twilight. I promise that you too will fall in love with Edward, Bella and Stephanie Meyer (the author.)
Emmy update: Does anyone else think Kathy Griffin is like fingernails on a chalk board? And my word, did she have some "work" done?
So I know you are wondering what you have to do to win these treasures. Nothing. Well except leave a comment here and tell me your favorite TV show right now. I only watch two shows on TV, "The Amazing Race" and "The Office" which is my hands down favorite show ever. I can't wait for Thursday! Why do I want to know your favorite TV show? I don't know. It's just another one of my dumb questions that I like to ask.
Another Emmy interruption. Alec Baldwin??? Alec Freakin Baldwin beat out Steve Carell for Best Actor? Are you kidding me? It's rigged. I want a recount.
That's it gang. So do you want to know what the Twilight phenomenon is all about? Then let me make your dream come true...blah...blah...blah...
Oh yeah, polls close at midnight EDT Sunday, September 28. I will pick a winner on Monday, September 29, 2008.
Again, in full disclosure, the Twilight book is used (by me). But New Moon is brand spanking new.
Over and out.....
WOOOHOOOO I have never been first before. though it will probably suck for the give away.
I have to say I have not read these books. Oh I tried but I just couldn't get into them. But if you give them to me I will read them.
I love to read I just don't understand why I couldn't get into them.
OMG, Edward and Bella, great attention getter! I totally thought Steve Carrell should have won too. I have to agree, these books are awesome. I'm on my second go round. Can't wait for the movie!
Don't enter me in the contest because I own my own set of these oh so wonderful books, but I just have to say that it's been such a long time since you've done a post like this. I'm totally missing your American Idol chat. Too funny. And I'm with you on Alec Baldwin. I had to do a double take on Kathy Griffin. What in the world did she do?!
Don't enter me either as I have the books as well :-) Aren't they just luverly!!!
I forgot that the Emmy's were on. I've been busy baking and posting the recipe.
I like 'The Office' and 'ER' and a few others. Tomorrow night I'm going to watch the reruns of 'Lost' on SciFi. people have been telling me I need to watch it ..... we shall see.
My favorite TV show is the biggest loser. They really help people and are inspiring the whole nation. I would love to meet Jillian and Bob.
OK I have not read these bucks. I would love to read them and I hope to win. I am selfish, gimme gimem gimme!!
Um, I don't watch TV and I don't want to read the Twilight series, but I love ya, so I'm leaving you some blog crack anyways.
Do not waste my precious time on the emmy's. Notice I did not capitalize it? That is how insignificant I think they are. Would rather be watching House Hunters:}
Do not want the books either. Just wanted to come see what was happening over here.
This kind of sounds like the comment above doesn't it?
LOVE these books! I just had to say that. And I can't wait for the movie in November!
Why haven't I heard of these books? Now I have to read them, just to see what the big deal is.
I'm not a tv fan, but I still love Seinfeld quotes. I would watch that if it were still on. :)
I'm reading Midnight Sun as I type this. You are going to turn some new poor soul into a hopeless, helpless addict. I just read the whole series about a month ago (took me two weeks).
I too am SO EXCITED for THE OFFICE! My husband and I always make something really fun for dinner or order sushi out to celebrate. I have been seriously craving some "JAM" lately.
I'll play along just for fun, but don't pick me!!! Cause you know I'm already under the Twilight spell/curse.
My favorite TV show right now is BBC's Top Gear. (It's not just for car freaks because I couldn't care less about cars... but it's really funny and British)
Bummer I have read these and love them so I guess that diqualifies me, but I still love to comment.
You are too funny! I'm already hooked on the books...I'm on Eclipse...so pass them on to one of these other lucky ladies...just wanted to say hey.
I have 'em. Four copies of Twilight and 2 apiece of New Moon, Eclipse, and Breaking Dawn.
But dude...totally enter me...because I give these books away on a weekly basis. Last week I sent BD to my sister-in-law, and Twilight & New Moon to someone else who reads THIS blog. (Won't say whom just yet--she doesn't get them 'til today or tomorrow.)
And Debbie...aren't you glad you trusted me?
Well, since 1/2 of your "crack" leaving friends don't want them, then my chances are getting better. I LOVE to read, you know that (you should spread the word about Charles Martin's books...remember "When Crickets Cry." Did you ever read that one? You MUST!
Anyway, if I win you can save you mailing money too!!!
I'm almost embarrassed to say that DH and I love "House." He's such a jerk but it's fun to watch his train wreck of a life. We also cracked up at "Chuck" and enjoy winding down to "Numbers." We would tivo Numbers and watch it after Shepherd group, I think I can count on one hand the number of times he was awake at then end though. I hate explaining to him whodunnit. :)
Okay, Debbie, I want to be your new bloggie BFF and I want to win your contest. At least I'm up front about it all. We went to buy the first Twilight book and the clerk was so amazingly rude that we didn't buy it. Then I told my daughter that we could just get it out of the library. We are #64 in line there! I suppose I will have to break down and buy it, but it would be so nice not to deal with that clerk again.
Now on to those pressing issues you raised: I'm really good about Oprah's weight. Even with a personal chef, it happens, and that makes me feel soooooo much better about my expanding waist :)
And I'm sorry,but I LOVE Mr. Baldwin. I mean, I reallytrulysincerely love him. 30 Rock is silly enough to get me laughing every time.
I admit it, I haven't read them either. In fact, I never even heard of them until the last book came out there was such chatter on the blogs.
Oh heck, my favorite tv show I guess would be House. There's not really any tv shows I go out of my way to watch.
Oh I think that my favorite tv show is.....Jon& Kate Plus 8....love that one.
Ok, because of all you die-hard Twilight fans, I finally threw a copy of the first book in my Amazon cart last week. Now I'm tapping my feet impatiently waiting for it to arrive. I can't believe I'm going to be reading a vampire book. Who knew?
Laughing at your Emmy commentary. Way to say what we all think!!! (I didn't watch, but yeah, Kathy whatshername IS totally fingernails on a chalkboard and of course she's had some work done. It's a way of life here. DOn't even get me started on the ladies in my 'hood...)
My favorite shows: The Office, fer sure. The Mole. Survivor (I know, it's the same thing every time, but I like it.) Amazing Race. American Idol - but it has to be taped, because I need to be able to fast-forward thru all the non-singing crap.
Happy MOnday to you, Debbie ...
Okay, let me just say that I am #82 on the list at the library to borrow Twilight. I have been on the list for two weeks so #82 is better than #171 which is where I started.
I have read all the Anne Rice Vampire series books.
My most recent favorite, now cancelled show, was Moonlight. I love the vampire genre!
Oprah - plumper (but that's okay, it happens to all of us)
Kathy Griffin - DEFINITE work done, and DEFINITELY nails down a chalkboard...ACK!
Alec Baldwin - never really liked him and how unfortunate it is that he narrates on a Thomas the Train DVD we have. At least I don't have to look at him.
Getting ready to get my read on with Twilight, so don't know if I can qualify for the giveaway, unless I just paid it forward if I won. I could totally do that.
The Office is my favorite show.
And I *gasp* didn't like Twilight. I am one of four or five people I know who didn't like it, but what can I say?
The Host was worth reading. Did you read that one yet?
don't enter me either since I already have them but my favorite tv show is Grey's Anatomy and I must say Biggest Loser because I am in love with Bob!! I want Bob to come and be my personal trainer!!
If you haven't read these books trust me pick them up. I love Edward!
Thanks so much for not being bitter with me and thanks for blessing another one of your faithful readers with the books. I am so excited to start reading them and so is Zach!!! Yippeee....
oh and to answer your question... I like Heroes, The office, Project Runway, Top Chef, HGTV design star...
De-lurking here. Enter me! I need to figure out what all the craze is about. Oh, and my all time favorite show is...well I can't decide...it's between The Office and Big Brother.
*jumping up* BACON!
*jumping up* BACON!
*jumping up* BACON!
It works for the dog in the commercial - was hoping it would work for me.
Anyway, my favorite show right now is Heroes. Nerdfish and I usually pick one show a season that we watch together ALONE without kiddos. I can't watch it without him and vice versa. We're really enjoying it and it starts TONIGHT!! YIPPEEE..>BACON - oops didn't mean to go back to that.
I have to say I agree with all your emmy observations. And I love The Office--Steve Carell so should have won over Alec Baldwin. I also watch Brothers and Sisters and Desperate Housewives (Although the whole five year jump deal seems weird--I'm worried about all that) And sometimes House. But despite not having read these famouse books you're giving away, my mother in law recently read them and then sent them all to me. So I had best get reading, huh?
Okay, here goes:
1. I had never heard of those books before I joined SITS, and I'm starting to get a little curious...
2. Oprah? She's fat, she's thin, she's fat, she's thin, she's...
3. Kathy Griffin? More like what HASN'T she had done.
4. And my favorite TV show? House. No, CSI. No, Law & Order. No, House. Yes, House it is. The jerkier, the better.
alas: i love the twilight series...and have read them all: but only once through--not a gazillion times.
and yes, kathy griffin has had LOTS of work done--she's known as kind oa junkie when it comes to that sort of thing....my fave tv shoes are hero's (yea tonight!) and my guilty pleasure is america's next top model...i like the photography aspect the most--not so much the girl fights and the swearing---i don't really liked getting sucked into any one show out there, however, with that being said my hubby and i are HUGE Hero's fans...can't hardly wait!
So I'm torn. I've only heard of these books through blogging. I have not read them and I'm interested, but then again I'm afraid I might read them and not like them or find some kind of objectionable content and then wonder how everyone could overlook that and...sigh. Perhaps I need to be won over, perhaps I would be better off remaining clueless. What do you think? If the former, you could totally just send me the books; no one is going to challenge the integrity of such a thing. ;) LOL That reminds me...another blog friend was giving away a set of books and I really wanted them for our son, so my husband entered and he won. Only she sent ME the e-mail that he'd won, and addressed the box to ME, so really it was obvious that I'd won. ;) Of course he insisted that since they were his prize, he had to read the books first, before Ethan could. LOL
Oh and my favorite tv show is whichever reality series that I'm hopelessly addicted to at the moment because I happened to catch one episode and now I'm hooked. At the moment, that is the Biggest Loser, which I must watch with a box of kleenex in hand. Other than that, I'm all about Colts football! :)
Don't enter me in the contest because I own my own copies, and someone that has not read these wonderful bookes need to get them!!! but I wanted to say my favorite show is LOST!!! I can't wait for January when the show starts up again. But for now I will watch Heros and CSI
I don't need to win either - I got them from the library when I read them. And now my 10 year old is reading them. I had to buy them for her because she was number 302 at the library - and I didn't think I could wait that long for her to read them :-) She's half way into New Moon right now.
I didn't watch the Emmy's - but did you watch Jimmy Kimmel's star interviews before??? Oh, was that not the funniest thing??? Oh...wait...I did watch the first few minutes. And I saw Oprah - I thought she looked good. And I am still only 8 reasons into my 13 for why I don't like her. And Rainn Wilson was robbed.
Fav tv show - LOST and Weeds.
I just finished Twilight last night and am dying to read New Moon!!
BTW, I totally agree with you about Oprah. Either she has gained weight or that was a really unflattering dress. And was Kathy Griffin's hair for real? The fluffy part on the top almost looked like a hat.
Oh, and my favorite TV show right now - well I have two - PRISON BREAK and HOUSE. Two of the best shows on tv!!
I really really really would love to learn what all the fuss is about. It must be a good read to have everyone up in a tizzy. So - please - pick me! Oh, and I couldn't believe Steve lost either! To Alec?? Yes, The Office is a favorite of mine. Can't wait for new shows!
am always up for something free...and I have NOT gotten into this stuff yet...so free would be great!!
I do not want to win the books as I have two sets of my own (in paperback and hardcover), but I just had to say what an amazing story they are. Love them.
You should definitely give it to me =)~I feel so left out seeing how everywhere I turn, bang, Twilight. I would loved to win!
I'm currently watching Project Runway season 5...not one of my favorites though.
I watch mostly HGTV. My favorite show is Divine Design with Candace Olson. I like The Office too, but during the week, I forget what day stuff comes on. I need to make my DVR work more. Also, we got power back on Tuesday after Hurricane Ike and then Saturday night my husband was all snug in his chair waiting for his favorite College football team (GA) play and ZAP the cable goes out. It's still out and it's Monday afternoon. He was not a happy camper. I'm not really missing my TV, I have to admit. So send the books this way. I'd love to catch up on the latest craze!
I'd love to win these and see what all the hype is about. I keep trying to check them out from the library, but they're never there!
Have a great day :o)
You and I in unison need to say :
"Yes, Leigh Anne, you were right. We were wrong. They are excellent books. And we love you for sharing the vampire love with us."
So, count me out on the book contest because I too went out and bought the other 3 (Lula sent me the first!)
And if my mother and sister ever figure out that they really are missing out on some great reads, I'd be happy to send them my copies.
Love you, Love Lula, Love Edward and Bella.
What a nice thing to do! I am excited to hear who the recipient will be. Good luck ladies and any gentlemen who may play along.
My favorite shows. Grey's and I just saw a new one Sat. The name slips my mind but it's about a man who helps adopted children reconnect with their biological families. It's a beautiful show! I'll let you know if I recall it's name. Making me a bit nutty that I've fogotten it actually. The Connecter? AACK! Good luck everyone!
I have not read those books yet and actually do not know anything about them. Am I just crawling out of a hole? Maybe, but I will be checking them out.
Hmmm, if only there was some quiet time.
And the Emmy's, I tend to watch the pre-show. I find the acceptance speeches too much to handle. "Thank you, I am fabulous, you are fabulous for knowing that I am fabulous, this is fabulous..."
Oh I love you for loving The Office; I am DYING, and my insides will explode, if I don't get some Office soon, so hopefully I'll hold myself together by Thursday. Yeah it would've been great for Steve Carell to win; however, I think 30 Rock is really funny and Alec Baldwin is really great on it, so I wasn't surprised or angry (I don't normally watch 30 Rock, but when I happen to leave the tv on after The Office I find myself LOLing). I also watch Heroes and Chuck, the former premiering tonight, which I am super excited about. Oh and Project Runway. Damn I watch too much tv.
well you know I loves me some Office too. I'm planning a party for Thursday and everything!!!
And I have NEVER read Twilight. Know nothing of it except the characters names and that there are vampires involved. I have promised several friends that I would read the series during my weekend break----and free copies would make Dave Ramsey VERY happy :)!.
I'm just sayin'.....
Would really like to know what the big deal is...I've heard rumblings...
I love any CSI episodes or Without a Trace, Criminal Minds...etc.
BUT...the best are...HEROES (which Premiers in 10 minutes!!!!) and LOST which is taking FOREVER to premier again...early spring, what is with THAT!!!
Ohhhh, I've heard SO many good things about those books. And I love to read. My only fear is that I'll be as sucked into them as I've heard others are! But that would be good, right? And only temporary?
Ok, so here goes...
I can't give just one. Hmm. Lost? The Office? My Name Is Earl? Pushing Daisies? Grey's Anatomy? Reaper? OOOO Jericho. Oh, wait. They canceled it. Bummer. Wipeout? I can't list just one!
aahhh! COunt me in!!! I'm sure hubby will enjoy this with me :)
Not much of a fiction reader here (I would gladly assign that responsibility to a clone, with required detailed book reports), but I do want to know exactly what a NITTANY Lion is. Can you help me out?
Well now I'm really intrigued if you are reading these books too! I have heard all over blogland how good these are, but I was still skeptical. We tend to favor the "harvest party" fun over Halloween action around here, so I wasn't sure this would be for me. But I trust that if you are enjoying this story, then I would appreciate it as well. So sign me up!
And not that I have much time to watch TV, but favorite shows that come to mind are "Gray's Anatomy," "Project Runway," "House" and "Oprah."
I haven't read the books, but I don't think I should enter since my children are known for eating any book without pictures, and I would feel horrible terrible if that happened.
Anyhow, I LOVE The Office! It is the only show that makes me regret my decision to turn off the cable. Lucky for me I can catch the new episodes on Hulu at 2:00am Friday mornings...and, YES I do stay up till 2am waiting for it to come on!
Good luck with the giving!
Ooooooohhhh!!! Pick me! Pick me! I had no intentions on reading these books but after soooooo many bloggers have blathered on and on (in a good way) about how wonderful they are, I want to! Only I'm like number 2,678 on the library waiting list. That means I'll get them right after my 2-year old goes to college.
I am waiting on pins and needles for The Office on Thursday. I've checked my DVR at least 5 times to make sure it's set up the right way. And please don't get me started on Alec Baldwin vs. Steve Carrell. I left my soapbox upstairs and I really don't feel like getting it.
Even if I can´t win (no US address) I want to enter. If I win you can just tell me, ok? And then pull another number....
My favorite TV show is Amazing Race too! LOVE it!
Hey honey bunny. (Oh yeah that should so earn me some extra points)lol
I haven't read these books but I have heard all about them from Lula. I want them. please pretty please.
Congrats to whomever wins a chance to join the madness that is Twilight! I hate romance novels and I hate vampires. BUT I LOVE TWILIGHT!!! And own the whole series. Our two must-watches are also The Office and The Amazing Race. We also like Survivor, American Idol, and So You Think You Can Dance, but the top two are definitely AR and The Office!
I like Biggest Looser.. it's the only show I can watch and feel skinny.
Is that mean of me????
HIYA. My favorite show of all time, hands down, is Alias. I'm an Alias freak. But, it is gone boo hoo hoo. So, my favorites now are: House, and Chuck, and ER. I could tell you the ones I HATE the most, like Extreme Makeover Home Edition and CSI: Miami. WE can't stand that red-head guy. He's so cliche.
And, btw, YES Kathy Griffin has had work done and I think she's pretty public about it.
Just wanted to say thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday...100 things and being saucy was a lot of fun!! and the boy is doing great...he loves school...whew!!
Well, Debbie, I haven't read these and am a part of the scores of people who are DYING to know what they're all about! (Plus, my daughter's name is Izabella...I wanted to call her Bella, but Izzi won out. :-( So yes, I want to win them! And the Office is my FAVORITE TOO!!! We just bought season 3. Now we have 1,2, AND 3. (Although 3 was my least favorite.) I can't wait until Thursday too!!!
Hey my long lost San Antonio buddy! Sorry I haven't stopped by in a while, but my life has been crazy!
First of all, let me start with I LOVE THE TWILIGHT SERIES. I am half way through the 3rd one. I'm determined to finish them all before the movie comes out. Somehow, movies always ruin the books.
Yes, my mouth fell open when I saw Oprah. Is it just me or is she getting really obnoxious on her show? She is using her show to push her politics and it's making me mad. I am boycotting her show!
Kathy Griffin... take her or leave her.
My all time favorite show is The Amazing Race. House comes in a close second.
Hope you are well. Stop by and say "Hi" sometime.
Okay...I really need to win these! I haven't read a one of them! And EVERYONE keeps telling me I won't be scared...so pick me so I can tell everyone for myself if I'm a baby :)
Sorry, forgot to tell you my favorite TV show right now....Probably Grey's Anatomy but a tight race with The Office :)
My favorite tv show is Ugly Betty and my birthday is September 28th! I would love to read the Twilight books!
I was an avid reader before my daughter was born in January, but sadly have only read board books since.
Just the other day I informed my spouse I'd be using the reading lamp beside the bed at least an hour a night, and this Twilight series everyone is going nuts about seems like a great place to start, I'd LOVE to win!
I love, love, love the office, but my favorite show right now is Two and a Half Men. :)
Hi! I saw the "Blog around the World" button on someone's blog and just had to click it. The one thing that still boggles my little old blogging mind is to see that people from all over the world stumble across my little old blog!
I came here tonight to tell you what a great idea you had and to thank you for hosting it! I've already signed up and visited the featured blogs from my state. But...lo and behold you are having a contest, so I figure I might as well throw my name in the pot for that, too, seeing as how I have not read the books but was just informed this afternoon that I need to because the movie is coming out soon.
I really like your blog ~ you have a great wit!
Please come visit mine anytime!
Blessings ~
Mrs. Brownstone @ XBOX Wife
I would LOVE to own these books. I thought I had my name on the waiting list at our local library but I was sadly mistaken. *boohoo!*
Pick Me!
I love Project Runway. I am addicted. My son and I also are anxiously awaiting Ugly Betty's return!
Pick Me!
i, too, belong to the clueless clan of curious citizens with respect to the "twilight" books...so it would be lovely to win such books and finally know what the fuss is all about. interesting to note that the poll ends on my birthday! maybe i'll get lucky...hehe.
my favorite shows are mostly in the travel channel, especially those of samantha brown, anthony bourdain and andrew zimmern. but tv series-wise, it's "the office" and "heroes." :)
Ok, heard LOTS about these....haven't read them.....but now my interest is totally peaked.....help a girl out!!!! :D thanks!
Hoping i am not too late.
I want to participate too!
PUSHING DAISIES! I can't wait till October 1st! However, I am also a huge Office fan, and today is Thursday. Woohoo!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Well, I would love to win those books. I've had the first one on hold at the library for AGES and there's still dozens of readers ahead of me! I tried to win Darcy's but no luck. So...fingers crossed!
Oh, and my fave tv show is "Dog the Bounty Hunter." What can I say? He's awesome, lol!
Hands down, without a doubt Grey's Anatomy. And go you for sticking to only 2 shows this season. We don't have any on Monday nights :-)
I want to read these, but with a newborn I haven't been able to get to the library! I need a new phenom to read since HP is no more!
Add my name to the mix! I didn't win at Darcy's blog...maybe this time!!!
Favorite show is LOST...hands down but I love the Amazing Race cuz of the travel and Survivor cuz of the drama.
So what is with these books? I just heard about them the other day. Guess being in Guam has me out of touch. BUT if you picked me, you'd help a poor lost soul out here on a remote island!
I had hoped to be lucky enough to win these over at Darcy's blog and read your post about buying them for the lucky winner before she won them. So, here I am, once again, crossing fingers, toes and any other body part that will still cross (or semi-cross), anxiously hoping that I might win these books. Every single blog I stumble upon has a post about being in love with these books and I am so beyond intrigued. And I could go buy them for myself except that here in Georgia, the gas stations are all completely out of gas (yes, it's true) so I really, really, really hope I'm the lucky winner! ;)
Found you through Darcy's blog. You look like a keeper! Been wanting to check out these books. Keeping my fingers crossed!
I have read Twilight...loved it, but I haven't read New Moon, so I am entering your contest!
I forgot my favorite TV show. It's a toss up between The Office and LOST.
Okay, the absolute best show on tv right now is Army Wives! It's on Lifetime and is just the best! If you haven't seen it, just watch one episode and you'll be hooked!
BTW, I heard about you from Lorie/Joyful Sister and I love your blog! I'll be back for sure!
I had to leave a comment to see if we can't edge you over 100. ;)
Crazy, girl.
*fingers and eyes crossed* I totally want to win these! I borrowed them when I read them and I've been dying to reread them. So pick me , pick me. I'll tell you Amazing Race is my fave TV show if it'll help but my fave TV shows really are Criminal Minds and House.
I just read your blog for the first time tonight and I'll definitely be coming back :-) So, I have to say that my all-time favorite TV show is LOST, but it isn't on right now, so I'm pretty into Surviver Gabon...and now I just realized that I live in on the WEST COAST, so I'm probably too late to enter your Twilight contest...but oh well, now you know my favorite TV show! Christina
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