I have houseguests right now so this has to be quick. And no I didn't sneak away to type this post. I thought of another nosey question while washing dishes after our feast BUT waited until we all "retired" for the night. "Retired?" Retired? Did I really type that?
So anyway.
What does your husband/significant other think of your blog, and does he read it? I'll go first.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Another nosey question
Brought to you by Debbie at 2:00 AM
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He enjoys it and reads daily. He sometimes comments and his avatar is "The Man."
He grumbles and tells me I should come to bed before 2 am. And then he says, "You should post that on your blog."
He's the one who nagged me to start a blog in the beginning. He subscribes... never leaves comments, but will usually IM me with his feedback. Sometimes he'll proof-read before I publish if I ask him to. He's one of my biggest supporters.
Though sometimes he's shocked and says, "I can't believe you wrote about that!!!"
He reads it on occasion (I don't think every day) and often will tell me "You should blog about that"... I think he thinks is a good outlet for me.
i wish he'd comment on it but... oh well...
He likes the blog because he knows I love to write and he's my number one fan in that department. But, he gets freaked out by the comments from "strangers." He'll ask me, "Who is such-and-such?" Do you know them?
He doesn't really get the aspect of meeting friends (like you Debbie :) through the blog. I think that's definitely a woman thing. I think of my bloggin friends as the equivalent of the neighborhood Mom's of my parents era who'd stand outside and talk each day or all get together for coffee after the kids went to school. Supporting each other, laughing, crying, and sharing ideas for parenting, budgeting,& decorating. These days many women work outside the home, at least part time, and when we're home we're all running our kids all over creation.
I make a point to try not to be negative about him or the kids on my blog. Who needs that? So, we don't have that issue. He does check in every day and he jokes that he has to just so that he knows what's going on in our lives!
He's the one who suggested I start my own blog... he reads it often but never comments. He's fine with it, but does wish I wouldn't stay up so late doing it!
my husband is OBSESSED with my stat counter! he says "I always wanted to be with the popular girl!" which kind of cracks me up because I am so not that! I started my blog just to keep family and friends updated and we're both kind of astonished at the amount of hits I get each day...and he is convinced that Michael Phelps is the hit on the ClustrMap in China! funny guy!
Hubby thinks it's a good outlet for me. Like Therapy. lol
He does read it and sometimes leaves comments.
Yup, he reads it, likes it, even sometimes occasionally comes up with a post of his own. He probably (no, definitely) thinks it takes a bit too much time. But, then again, so do I (think it takes too much time). Once school starts, I'll have to streamline the process a bit...
Happy Monday to you, Debbie. Enjoy those guests of yours :-)
My husband reads it when he can, he doesn't get on the Internet very much, and his computer is crap, so it takes him forever to get anywhere. He usually checks in and reads 3 or 4 days at a time. He doesn't comment bc I'm usually sitting right there as he's reading waiting to see his reaction - he's the only person in the world who I get to do taht with, lol!
He often will say - "are you going to put this on the blog?" and depending on the activity he's either very excited about the prospect, or kind of dreading it.
He reads it and he's always asking me about my "intent"....what did you mean by this? Why did you say that? My neighbors also read my blog so I have to be on my best behavior!!!
My husband is still waiting for me to make Big Blog Bucks. HA HA HA.
- Suzanne, the Farmer's Wife
My husband was skeptical at first, but loves the documentation of our lives, like good journaling. He grumbles about me spending too much time on it, but he's a dedicated reader, non-commenter. He doesn't like to be referenced himself in the blog except under the circumstances "isn't my husband the very very best in the world"? And he'd prefer I go private.
Mine reads...comments about once a month...tells me to come to bed before 1 am...and the minute something funny, wacky, crazy, or brilliant happens, he's the first to pipe up with, "That's going on the blog, isn't it?" Last week he even asked me to do a post about his grey hair. He's 35! I'd only share that with the world to prove that he's wise, as the Bible says--those greys peeking through dark blonde are a sign of his genius.
I digress...
I feel like the lone woman out here but my husband doesn't read it and thinks it's pretty stupid. But, then again, sometimes I think his obsession with cars is pretty stupid too so maybe we're even! I'll just live vicariously through everyone elses husbands...k? Oh, now, don't get that idea in your heads...although....oops...I'll leave now! ;-)
I've given you a blog award. You can go check it out on my blog!!
My husband reads it daily...although he doesn't admit it. I WISH it were a secret, but I guess I don't say anything I wouldn't say to him personally...He doesn't say anything...I guess he doesn't think I'm that interesting...boo hoo.
I don't think my hubby has a major opinion one way or the other, but he sure is fast to tease me about it. He's also pretty quick to bring it up in conversation with other people (including, sometimes, people that I don't necessarily want knowing about it, but whatever...). He reads occasionally and will often comment, "Is this going on your blog?"
He likes it...reads it....tells me I should post stuff on it....and likes that I connect with other women. He probably wishes I wouldn't spend quite so much time reading other blogs.
What? You didn't sneak away to blog? I would have thought more of you. :) (Your guests are thanking you for waiting til you all "retired.) Anyway, my hubby reads mine everyday and most of my links too. So that he knows what the heck I'm talking about. He likes that I blog and likes the friends I've made too.
My hubby reads it when I let him know that others have commented on what a hottie he is.
He does read it occasionally. He totally approves of it and even has his own that he never updates! He just put some gross farting video on his and some Monty Python. I don't even have him on my blog bus anymore.
Still he does check mine at least once a week. He surprises me every so often with a comment. One time he even posted on my blog. I was last Christmas. I think it was titled Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree. Before I was a SITS featured blogger, it was my most commented post. Go figure...
My husband isn't quite sure what to think of it... Since I just started blogging he is still getting used to it. He stops by to read it every once in awhile, but doesn't comment. He doesn't get why I want to share my life with all these "strangers" - or - why I want to read your blogs.
My dh loves it and reads it. He thinks it is neat. I've already uploaded part of my to www.blurb.com and printed a book from my blog! It's sweet!
By the way - thanks for the link! :)
He looks at mine only if I drag him kicking and screaming down the stairs to see something. Not interested at all, but does not care if I am doing it. Keeps me out of the stores.
My hubby reads me and is very supportive. I wish he'd guest post more often, he is by far funnier than i am.
Balla doesn't even know what a blog is. When I pull up my page he goes "Is that your myspace?" and when I respond with a "No, that's my blog" he's like "Oh. Must be a girl thing". He doesn't read it, though he SHOULD, and probably could care less about half the things I write about until I ask him a question about something I am writing about. Then he is all up in my face asking what I'm writing and to who and about what and why and how and OH GEEZ! Sorry I asked! (Just like I bet you are sorry YOU asked! LOL!!!)
He didn't really 'get it' at first, but now he loves it. Not that he reads it every day, but he enjoys that I do it, and gives the address out to all of his friends and relatives.
I make a point to show him specific posts I know he'll like, or that are about him. He then starts scrolling and catching up. :o)
My Honey reads. He felt left out because I hadn't blogged about him yet. LOL I'm torn on whether I want him to comment or not though.
Mr. Baseball will read the blog, but doesn't really say much about it, even though I know he likes it. If we're together and we see something hilarious, he'll ask me if I'm going to put it on the blog! I think he's secretly jealous!
My hubby loves the blog 'cause it's all about our baby, but he doesn't really publicize the blog to his buddies. On the other hand, I'm the proud mom that surrounds herself with people who share the same values and appreciation for these joys in life, so I don't worry about what anyone thinks.
My 'significant other' just makes little funny comments about it to me, but I've never showed it to him. He knows that I read blogs, but not sure he knows I write one. I don't discuss it with him much. If we were married and lived together, it'd probably be different.
Yes, and it scares the pants off of me! I'm afraid he'll discover something else he never knew about me! 18 years of marriage and mysteries abound!
My hubby doesn't read my blog...he barely even knows what a blog is. All he knows is that I spend time on the computer "talking" to people. LOL
And no, he's not computer illiterate...he's actually one of the go-to tech guys in his office and amongst other people in the state. He's just not into the social aspects of the Internet - blogs, Facebook/MySpace, etc.
Yes he likes my blogging. It's cheaper than therapy.
He loves that I've connected with some great women across the US. He only reads when I tell him to read something. I'm not so sure that he would read on his own. And he would never leave a comment. And I'm OK with that.
:) Brandi
Hubby waits a while, but reads my blog. It's no different than his 'crackberry' or email, or facebook or the phone.
I try not to 'dis' him here- although I have so much to 'dis' about.
thank god he doesn't read my comments on other people's sites!
My blog makes my husband nervous but no he's never read it.
Funny you should post this today. I just asked my hubby a few hours ago what he thought of my blog and if he had any advice on how I could be a better blogger. He said, "I love your blog." Of course, this put a HUGE smile on my face;) He also said that being a bit more controversial in my writing might boost readership...lol. I might try that:)
Hubby knows I have a blog, knows why I have it, and doesn't seem to mind it. But no, he's never read it. He's too computer illiterate to ever find it : )
Oh it's fun to read that so many of our men say, "That's going on the blog, isn't it?" Even my oldest son says it (he's 7).
I posted a while back about my freaky-comment-guy Joe. He commented a few times when I started. Then he sort of disappeared and Suzie showed up. SEVERAL months later hubby fessed that it was him doling out the comment love. But he stopped when I tried to convince him that Joe was some freak in NY trying to find photos of little kids in the midwest. (NOT that there's anything wrong with the MAJORITY of NY'ers!!! Don't be hatin'!)
My husband reads it. Sometimes suggests music to go with my post. But doesn't comment. Except one time. The meme I did about googling your name followed by the word "needs." He commented there. But not since :-)
It's one of the ways we keep in touch while my husband is in the air. He can check it and see what his loveys are doing back on the homefront and then he does not feel so homesick while he is gone for 5 and 6 days at a time. I love blogging.
My husband won't read my blog. I've asked him to but he just won't. I don't think he's against it, I just think he can't be bothered. He always asks me to read his Facebook profile and truthfully I can't be bothered with that. BUt I did do it last week, and wrote on his wall and everything. Still he doesn't visit my blog. Oh well.
PB reads it daily, but has only commented twice. He's my biggest cheerleader.
my husband reads it almost every day. It is the one way he know what is going on in my life (and our kids) while he is deployed.
My hubby doesn't even touch the computer, so no doesn't read my blog.
Good question! I just asked him, and he said, "I think of it like electronic journaling. I'm living it and we talk about it, why would I want to read it? It's like a rerun." So there you have it. I'm glad he doesn't feel like it's the only way I communicate the important things in my life.
My DH is hardly ever online, but occasionally he will check it out. Sometimes he offers input as I'm writing something. I think he likes it - the more words I use up here, the less I have when he gets home ;-)
He doesnt mind that I have one. He and the kids make fun of me at times though when I start snapping picutres. They say"oh I bet that's going on the blog!" lol
My husband loves my blog, but never reads it.
My husband loves my blog, but never reads it.
My husband reads now and then...he calls me his "little blogger". Yeah, whatever. I tell him this is the only way I will remember my life. Some day when I'm in the nursing home they can read it to me for entertainment.
I don't think my husband reads my blog. I don't really know if he "gets" why I do it, or even really cares. He knows it's something I enjoy doing and that it makes me happy, so he encourages me to keep up with it.
I know my husband likes it because he tells people about it all the time. And he travels a lot so he says he often get more information about what we are up to by reading the blog than talking to me on the phone.
But he often says I spend too much time on the computer reading other peoples' blogs. He doesn't quite get why I am interested in reading about strangers. But really, you don't feel like strangers--and I enjoy the laugh I get when I visit.
I have two blogs. Hubby reads the family one but doesn't know the other one exsits.
He gets mad if I don't add to blog every other day or so.
My husband reads mine every day and really appreciates the fact that I pretty much started it as a way to keep his family up to date across the distance. It must be hard to be a grandma far from your grandkids and trying to keep up with them. He also says that he reads things on the blog that may not come out in our conversations at times. And FYI, he lurks on here too. I find him checking my RSS feeds or asking me sometimes about something you or Courtney posted.
My husband looks at the pictures and checks my stat counter, but rarely reads the posts. Knowing this, I sometimes read posts to him if I really want to share it with him. He does constantly tease me, asking when I'm going to put an adult section on the blog with risque photos of myself, and knowing me and my blog, you know that idea is laughable! But maybe I could get him to check in more often if he thought it was a possibility!
Brad WAS very supportive of it---thought it was good that I was writing and learning to work the computer and all. Even got a few comments from him from time to time. Even now--I know he still reads often because he knows things that I don't say a word about otherwise.
Enjoy your company and your retirement :)!
Sometimes I think he's proud. But others? Well, he makes fun of me for spending so much time on the computer! He can tell, though, that it's good for me--emotionally and professionally. I have an outlet for my ideas, and blogging regularly has really spiffed up my writing!
He reads and comments and sometimes writes on the twoknitmonkeys blog. His posts are way more thought out and planned. He's a pretty good writer.
My other blog, he didn't even know about for two months, even though I told him like ten times!
At first he had no interest. Once he realized I blogged about him occasionally, he made sure to 'supervise' the entries. LOL. Apparently he approves overall, since he's now pointing HIS co-workers to my blog. :)
My Sweet husband does read my blog, as well as the comments left by others. He even designed my banner, and we're working on a new design for it together. He encourages me not only by telling me verbally he enjoys it, but every once in a while he leaves comments for me, too. In case you see him, he's dB Rocks.
Not sure that he quite *gets* the blog thing..... I think he thinks that ( you guys ) are all *pretend* friends, lol.
Oh and he says he doesn't read it but I think he does :)
Not sure that he quite *gets* the blog thing..... I think he thinks that ( you guys ) are all *pretend* friends, lol.
Oh and he says he doesn't read it but I think he does :)
my husband reads it daily and loves it. he loves the fact we are going to convert it into a photobook at the end of the year!
I think he secretly rolls his eyes about it. But then again, he probably is happy that it makes me happy. And to be very honest, I've never asked him if he's read it. If he has, great. But if he hasn't, then it would hurt my feelings too much. To think he wouldn't care to read it. I've been blogging for 1 year now.
Too funny... I wrote a post yesterday about how I think my husband may have found my blog! He knows I write one, but I haven't given him (or anyone I "know") the address. He's cool with it. But this is my blog, and I'd like to keep it that way!
he reads it on a regular basis. Has only commented once as 'anonymous'. usually gives me his opinion though :-)
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