Friday, December 14, 2007

tis the season

Why is it that every year I say I am going to get ahead of the game and always end up at the very same place at this time of year...IN A PANIC...And I don't even have to buy a ton of gifts this year...just finished printing, addressing, licking, stamping, writing a Christmas letter for over a hundred cards (yours is in the mail) and going to the post office to find out how much it costs to send a card to Hungary. I have two paper cuts and an office that looks like a hurricane ran through it. I'm pooped. Oh and to top it off, I didn't eat lunch until 3:00...was starving and had a headache...After the post office, Kyle and I headed to Chipotle (love that burrito bol) for "lunch" ...we go into the restaurant and I ask Kyle if he needed to go to the potty..."No, mommy, I don't have to go." So I proceeded to use the restroom and then we go get sooner do I pay for the food do I see him doing the pee pee dance.."Kyle do you have to go potty?" "Uh, Uh, oh yeah, I do...oh we better go now, I really have to go!" Are you kidding me?? That just makes me crazy...


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that doesn't only happen to me. And that it drives you crazy too 1

Julie said...

Hi Debbie, I am hoping that we are the lucky recipient of the card going to Hungary :) I hope it didn't cost too much... and thanks for thinking of us... if it is for us :) And Eli does the same thing to me... and gets frustrated with me when I ask him to just try... and he is always surprised when he actually has to go... go figure! Oh and I wish I could go to Chipolte with you... ahhh mexican

Debbie said...

Hi Julie, of course it is for you all! And it was super cheap to send it...90 cents! When you are back in the states, we have a date to hit Chipotle!